Why NO ONE Plays: Xinyan | Genshin Impact

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For today's episode of Why NO ONE Plays, we'll be taking a break from all the 5 star characters and go into some 4 stars. Let's begin with Xinyan!

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The real reason why no one play her because her guitar isn't a weapon


It’s a shame the devs screwed her over with her mixed scaling because she is such a fun character to play, one of the most satisfying bursts to use IMO


I'm a firm believer that Mihoyo intentionally gives new 4* characters one or two "bad" abilities or constellations in order to make them not compare to 5* characters.


Xinyan was never "Forgettable", she was *Forgotten* by Mihoyo, theres a difference.

But now, at the Archipelago event, she managed to be on the spotlight, and I'm in love with her personality.


I said it once, and I'll say it again. Just make Xinyan's shield scale off of her ATK%! Not only will this dramatically change her shield durability, but it will also help out her toolkit's identity crisis as well as her BiS weapon crisis, by making it so that The Unforged would become unquestionably her BiS for weapon overall due to DMG + utility. It won't solve the needed Cryo + Electro supports, but at least it helps...


It's really unfortunate, I really really like Xinyan's design. She has so much flare and personality but because of questionable decisions made by Mihoyo for her kit she's just rarely used by players.


i love how nice you are about this, like i’ve seen people get extremely worked up over meta wars and characters but you’re just very very chill about it :) thank you


No matter what others say, Xinyan is one of my most favourite characters. I often use her with Eula for that extra physical damage buff. I like her personality and that's all that matters. :')


the number 1 fix for her would be her split scaling; Artifact RNG is hell enough as it is, but when a character requires too many stats with good ratios, it really makes it hell to find good artifact pieces. If her shield just scaled of attack, like you said, then it would make it easier to build pure offensively without losing her durability.


Seeing those 36k ults made me reminiscent of when i was building her.. Now she can ult for over 120k and i dont regret having her be a burst support/shielder/buffer (BP) for my Raiden


Honestly I much prefer characters who build off of a stat completely (noelles def kokomis hp jeans atk) or characters who build off a stat that naturally belongs to their build (Kazuha and Raiden). It’s just that Xinyan got stuck being pulled in two different directions so it doesn’t work, and it sucks bc I like her as a character!


The moment I saw Xinyan I fell in love with her design and personality. And once I got her C2 to help give her oomph and shield uptime, I started to main her and I still swap her in sometimes still just for fun.
I've always felt like the DEF scaling on her C6 was a sort of like a flimsy justification for having DEF on her shield. Like It feels like they had her all planned out and then changed ONE stat just so they could make her weaker cuz shes not a 5-star.
And the required multi-hit on her shield's damage bursts Not just because it doesn't do enough damage to match the extra requirement, but because the game's auto target causes her to move towards an enemy when she uses her skill. So even when you line up 2-hit, she scoots over to focus on 1 enemy and completely ruins your positioning.
Also the Shield. (and thus her Physical Buff) has deceptively low uptime, because the best way to use it is to hit the enemy with her skill to get the Physical Buffs/Debuffs, and then IMMEDIATELY use her Ult to get the payoff in damage. So the entire timer for the shield you just made is cut short as you make a new one overtop.

I love ya Xinyan, but man you do not make it easy.


Xinyan's a perfect example of how split scaling automatically kills a unit.


with characters like Xinyan, I just hope someday Mihoyo will add "rank up" system for characters(if you played Honkai, it's called Augments. Many games call this system with different names, I just like calling this "rank up")

Rank up system is basically changing/buffing the character's kit if you fulfill the requirements(like leveling a character to max level or gathering certain material/items). This is why I still think buffing Zhongli without any requirements is a bad way(or boring way) to buff a character.
And if you want to argue about early game players, early players probably don't even need the buff anyway. Since you start noticing these problems at mid to end game


I don't see many people mentioning this, but Xinyan's E skill is bugged. It is supposed to give you higher level of shield depending on the number of enemies you hit with the sweep, but regardless of how many you hit, her level 3 shield is RNG. This means that even if you go the full DEF% on her you won't get a reliable shielder. This issue has been present since her introduction and hasn't been addressed even after an entire year and an event that gave her for free. The only way to get her level 3 shield consistently is using Q with C2.


I love walking around as xinyan, the little drum sound is amazing


Her damage is pretty nice, but her split scaling just hits it wrong. I got her as one of my first characters and I'd say that her kit was not exactly easy for investing since she had split scaling. (there also wasn't husk out yet) She does have all the parts of her kit to be a sub DPS and a support, but it's like kokomi- you want to have a direct role for a character. This is just my opinion, no hate against split scaling characters. It's just not beneficial overall with dmg or usabiltiy.


I’ve only been playing Genshin for like a month, but so far Xinyan is my favorite character. She has so much personality! She reminds me a lot of Ibuki Mioda from Danganronpa


On a side note, I think miHoYo intentionally designed Bennett the same way they created Xin Yan - a 4-star unit that wasn't meant to be that good. What they didn't know was that Bennett turned out to be way more broken than they intended to.


I just want to say that I LOVE this series and your Genshin content overall. Most popular Genshin content creators talk about the newer or more "meta" characters, so these videos really mean a lot to people like me that main the more unpopular characters. Thank you Vars! <3

As for Xinyan, it REALLY pains me that most people dont even acknowledge her existence because I love her aesthetic and playstyle. I havent min/maxed her but I sometimes put her on my team when Im bored and I really like using her. Maybe it's just that I like physical dps characters, (I have used Razor before and have already built my Eula) but I think shes really fun to use even with her flaws. Anyways I wish all the Xinyan mains/simps a very good day :D
