Lost Ark Is Here To STAY

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Lost Ark's launch has been absolutely wild... they've only gone and smashed an insane record on Steam. It'll probably be a while before this gets beat! What do you think? Have you been playing Lost Ark? Let us know your thoughts!

00:00 Intro
00:46 The Story - Demolishing Launch Records
04:53 The Feedback - Its A Rocky Start For Reviews
10:05 The Servers - Trouble For European Players
13:24 The Analysis - So What About The Gameplay?
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I don't plan on ever moving from good old USA but if I did, I care too much about gaming to ever move to Australia.


This is not a game I am interested in but I'm glad others are having fun.


It is not just iffy, the launch I mean, as I speak in Europe, 300k people are sitting in queues. So the 1.3 million figures is not exactly players actively playing.


I'll check back in 3 months - see where the game is at once the launch hype has cleared up and I can see what the game looks like in its steady phase. This isn't a reaction against the game per ce, but it's the strategy I've settled on given how many times the "next big thing, record breaking numbers!" thing has been completely flash-in-the-pan.


Been loving it in Lost Ark. also I really like that they have not only vertical progression but also horizontal one. I'm not competitive person so it's great that there is so much more than just dungeons and raids!


Remember when an MMO was about the journey rather than boom End-game?


mat said having to play 25 hours before end game is a risky move? but he will sit there and praise ffxiv when you legit have to play 180 hours just to finish the entire game if not more hours. He is such a weeb I swear


Endame is not that far away. You can get to 50 in about 14 hours by simply skipping the yellow quests. If 14 hours of leveling is enough to make you dislike the game then you've clearly never played an MMORPG before


I was a little bored leveling at first, but when I hit that first world boss, I was hooked loving it now( only level 22 Deathblade atm)


One of the first MMOs ive played that i think going from Tutorial straight in to endgame would be a plus. The leveling experience was rough. And they have to know that because your reward for doing it once is to skip it for a couple alts. But man, it is really fun once it gets going.


Aussies get shafted, South Americans get shafted, Africans get shafted, etc. Anywhere that isn't US, EU or far Asia(China, Korea and Japan basically) gets shafted with unideal servers. Imagine being in India or Pakistan and your best options are China and Europe. China is closer, yet still very far for most of the region, but being a non Chinese speaker in a Chinese server is hell in and of itself. Hell even if you live in say Russia, but somewhere like Vladivostok rather than the European part, you are much further away from the Russian server(in said European areas, typically Moscow itself) than the Asian servers, which brings us to the same language barrier issue of Russians from Eastern Russia in Chinese/Korean servers not speaking the languages at all. I dare not think about the ping between Vladivostok and a server in Moscow, it's worse than between EU and NA as Russia is just that massive and we're talking about crossing the vast majority of it.

People tend to forget that the world is much larger than just its western part and that distances in those regions are significantly larger than in the classic "old world". I mean heck there are no Middle East/North African servers either but the ping from those places to Europe are somewhat reasonable at 80-130 depending on internet connection but anywhere further and pings start to get terrible. Also remember that the further away you go from the western world the worse internet connection tends to get, which compounds the issue further.


Re: the Australians and "didnt set up a physical server, just play at 150ms" either EU or US servers for games 150 is a best case scenario, its more often 200-250, and if anything starts lagging at all it'll be 600


Lost Ark has been pretty fun for me. I love the combat since it's similar to Diablo 3 and I really enjoy being able to swap skill talents anywhere in the world at any given time without any restrictions. I wish other certain games would allow us that meaty freedom of choice and player agency aimed at gameplay.


This is an asian mobile game ported to PC. It's P2W and that will eventually cause its collapse.


Bounced off this game hard. No challenge whatsoever for 20 hours, even then it's still faceroll press G simulator. No story, boring gameplay with fun combat, needless time sinks, pretty toxic community already. Not a game I'm interested in.


The overwhelming majority of people will be filtered out by the korean endgame systems at some point.


I would be incredibly surprised if this game doesn't get completely forgotten in 2 weeks. especially when everyone feels the p2w elements in full.


If only they didn't treat EU like a red-headed stepchild... There are more players yet we have less servers and queues to get into a queue. Ridiculous. Amazon never learns.


I'm not surprised, the zoomies are old enough to play video games without mom looking over their should and have been for quite awhile and they don't exactly care about censorship or p2w.
They are the driving force of the market now so get ready for games becoming even more predatory in the future.


Guardian Raids have been the best content for me so far.
