Are faith and belief the same thing?

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To be a Christian is not simply to believe that God exists but to place your trust in Him. In this Q&A video from one of our live Ask R.C. events, R.C. Sproul considers what it means to have faith.


I would describe faith as a deep, unwavering trust in God that remains steadfast regardless of circumstances, whereas belief can be more easily altered when presented with new evidence.



❤We are SAVED by GOD, by Doing His WILL, and BELIEVING In His SON.

❤Our SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST, told us How we are SAVED in Matt 7:21, John 6:40, John 3:16.

❤Matthew 7:21 Not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, But the one who Does the
WILL of My FATHER, who is in heaven.

❤John 6:40 MY FATHER’S WILL is that everyone who looks to the Son and BELIEVES in HIM shall have eternal life.

❤John 3:16: For GOD so Loved the World that HE Gave (Sacrificed to Die) HIS only SON so that Whoever
BELIEVES in HIM, shall not perish, but have ever lasting Life.


Trust personally in the Lord Jesus Christ and repent today.


In Greek 'faith' and 'belief' are the same word. Faith must have an object, and trust in a Person, Christ. Salvation is 'through sanctification of the Spirit AND belief of the Truth' (2Thes.2:13).

Автор when you Believe things about Jesus. That is what religionists Do. Faith is when You DO what Jesus Matthew 5 6 7. Then You are a True Follower of Jesus Christ.


+Carmen Siekierke..+Real Life Legend..I Follow Jesus Gospel..He Spoke His OWN Gospel Matthew chapters 5 6 7. Jesus Said "Obey My Sayings and Seek Me and My Righteousness..I will Give you Everything you Need and Deliver You from Evil.". I Do Exactly as Jesus Said..I do not listen to men's opinions. Jesus Gospel is the Gospel that Saves You..and it Is HIS Gospel I follow. I do not know what you are following? Probably Paul's gospel. Follow who you will! I Follow Jesus.


Jesus Spoke HIS OWN Gospel HIMSELF in Matthew 5 6 7. Jesus Said.."Obey My Sayings and Seek Me and My Righteousness..I Will Give You Everything You Need and Deliver You from Evil." that is Jesus Gospel and Jesus Promise. If you have not got enough Humility to Teach and Do what Jesus Said. You do not have Belief or Faith..either Jesus Christ! Jesus Saves you by Doing What HE Said! NOT Paul. You have made Paul your most lazy..want it easy..Christians!


+Real Life Legend..Jesus Spoke HIS OWN Gospel Matthew 5 6 7. Jesus Said.."Obey My Sayings and Seek Me and My Righteousness..I will Give You Everything You Need and Deliver You from evil." That is Jesus Gospel and Jesus Promise. If you have not got enough Humility to Teach and Do What Jesus do Not have Belief or Faith in Jesus. Jesus Saves You by Doing what HE Said! NOT Paul! You have made Paul your most lazy..want it easy..Christians!



James 2:19
You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that—and shudder.

Hebrews 11
Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for.

so you can see that believing in God is not sufficient because even demons know he exists. Faith is the Christian religion. Additionally, note that faith and belief have not historically been thought of as relating to one another. Faith is a reality, assurance. Belief is only an idea.


+Real Life Legend..+Pam Delaney..Seriously?! You two can't "Forgive and Be Forgiven"!? Do you people Even Know What Jesus Commandments are??! You can't not kill someone? You can't stop committing adultery? You can't pray, fast, and do your kindnesses in secret? You can't Be honest and keep your promises? You can't care more about people than Money? You can't Trust God!? You can't be Humble and Do as God asked?! You can't Seek Jesus!? You could certainly Try! I cannot see anything that is so impossible Here! Maybe you are having trouble Not judging someone you don't even know..with your smug opinions.


+Real Life Legend..Why would you bother to keep Jesus commandments..if you didn't Believe in Him? The fact that a person Obeys Jesus commandments..pretty much..indicates they Believe in Him. Don't you think?
