A young boy went to heaven and met Jesus when in coma. True Story

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After surviving a near-death experience, a young boy claims that he has visited heaven and vividly describes it. However, his parents are faced with interpreting the meaning of his experience.

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Jesus saved my from my depression, anxiety and stress. I used to have a huge stress and all. But Jesus saved me and continue to guide me. I love you, Jesus. . .i used to be non-believer but now i do. . .thank you lord. . .i thank you everyday


Jesus is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me


This is beautiful. I had a similar encounter with Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I was practicing another religion and denied Jesus for 31 years but the moment I prayed for guidance, I slowly started leaving my former religion and had the urge to read the Bible. After realizing that Jesus was truly God, I cried a lot, but a warm touch embraced me to calm me down. I realized it was the Holy Spirit. Few months after that, Jesus appeared in my dreams with a terrifyingly powerful presence. I was so scared to look at him but around that powerful presence was love and gentleness. He reached his hand to me and smiled at me in satisfaction.


I remember my mom was worried about my middle brother. He was on drugs and wanted nothing to do with God.
She wanted to pray for him and we asked God show Himself to him. The next night or so my brother was at his drug dealers house picking up pills. He said he felt something pushing him to leave when normally he'd stay a minute and do some of the drugs and talk. He said he never felt something like that before telling him to leave. A car pulled in when my brother left and a home invasion took place. They wanted to steal their money and drugs.. A shootout erupted. Every one was shot but sadly only the drug dealers children were killed in the cross fire. My brother brought it up that he felt in his heart it was an angel telling him to get out and he narrowly missed being in that situation. He started believing after that event and got baptized. Sometimes I think if we didn't ask for God to reveal to my brother he may of died that night.


I love this film cause a similar thing happened with my grandfather 18 years back. He was on deaths door and I refused to leave his room. I was sitting there watching my grandpa as he sat there sitting up machines beeping. He hadn't spoken in hours but suddenly looked to my right in the corner of the room where a chair was and smiled so wide. I hadnt seen that kind of smile since my nana, his wife was alive. He informed me that betty, my grandmother, who has been dead for 6-7 years had come to him sitting in the room. I couldn't see her obviously but what struck me as my gransfather was a bluntly honest god fearing man. Was his absolute detailed description of her. He told me Betty is here. I asked him what is she wearing, cause I was curious and he smiled saying she looks as breathtaking as the day I met her. Mind you they met in their early twenties while he was on leave from the army air core. For a weekend of r and r. He ran into her while she was changing a strange woman in his buddies house. Something happened after he apologized saying to his friend thats the woman im gonna marry. Six months later they were husband and wife. And let me tell you, my grandmother was a blond bombshell. So when he started to describe her I was surprised he didn't mention, her glasses and white hair. He mentioned her youthful face as she was when he met her and that no glasses. wearing a white frock and long white gown. My grandfather has never lied to me my whole life. So when he stated my grandmother was there I believed him. Cause I believe in the lord. Then his smile went away and he frowned so deeply like when you get the worst news. I asked him what was going on why the frown and mind you my grandpa was in his late seventies, all of his other friends, family his age were gone. he wanted to go and be with the lord, he would tell us, my jobs done why am i still here. He then proceeded to tell me with the scowl on his face. That Nana, Betty as he called her was saying it was not his time. Now mind you the doctors on his case had told us all, he would be dead by the next day, his vitals were in the toilet and plummeting fast and nothing could save him. I look at the corner wishing to god I could see her but sadly I didn't get to. I smiled and looked at him and said, well you know the lord better than I do. If he is sending your wife to tell you its not your time its not your time. He kept scowling laid his head back and closed his eyes. Im not kidding you thirty minutes later, the nurse came in to check him and was freaking out asking how what, why, who. Over and over again. I asked her whats up and she showed me the machines and his vitals stating that all of his vitals were above regular that he was absolutely fine. He had literally been restored to health. Mind you he still couldnt' see that well and sorry forgot to mention that, his eyes had gotten so bad he couldn't drive, fly as in fly a helicopter or shoot, the three things he loved to do was drive his car, fly commercial helicopters and shoot his guns. So for him to tell me he could see my grand mother in perfect detail when his sight was more like a muddled puddle in your eyes where everything blurs when you have water in the eyes. I didn't doubt it for a second. I write you this because this happened long before this film and when the kid describe his grandfather, thats when I truly understood, there is no suffering in heaven. You are there in your peak of happy health. God bless to all of you that are followers of Christ and may the Lord watch over you all.


No matter how many times I see this movie it still touches me deeply.


I'll never forget my near death experience. I was 8 or 9 years old and my grandma had just passed away and I was asleep and died In my sleep. I had never read the bible and saw thing from that book I saw god's feet with him sitting on the throne of judgement and everything was white. His throne looked like marble or some kind of stone. He was massive his head to just about the knees went into the clouds. I saw someone walk out from behind the throne walk up to me and said something I don't remember but then I remembered falling from heaven seeing the earth get closer my body get closer and smashing into my body and woke up trying to catch my breath. Remember I had never read the bible then read revaluations and saw where it talks about God's throne of judgement and how nobody will see it until we are judged by God so how was I aloud to see it and come back.


I grew up with a guy who’s dad convinced him to write a story about meeting god for money. The guy was in a wreck and was a quadriplegic, kind of a local celebrity in my home town. When he came out with it all being a lie his dad apparently took all his siblings and ran off with the money leaving him alone with his mom to tend to him. Heck she was at our school with him to watch him. It was quite a story and I don’t think the guy was at fault for the lie but his dad.


Since lower primary school, always wanted to be a pastor, and became one. At 57 now, have seen alot and thank God for those encouraging experiences but yet to meet Jesus.I at times, under pressure want to quit but these experiences keep me going, preaching the gospel. I don't doubt but know for sure that if it's not in this life it will be for sure in the next one.


When my sister Jenny and I were born in 2007 We were prematurely and the doctors say sometimes babies who are 24 weeks will not survive but my mom prayed for us and then a miracle happened
We lived

Jenny and I are now 14
And I thank god


Heaven is real for sure my heart was touched with this story of this boy.


Jesus saved my life. .thank you Lord for everything


I met Jesus in a dream as well. It was the most powerful feeling I had ever received. 🙌🦋🌈✨👣💕


Amen. Thank you for doing a summary of this Christian movie, "Nothing will ever separate you from God's love" ♥️- Romans 8:38


i watch this movie. I always start crying during the heaven. Cause i miss my mom and rest of my family but i know they would be waiting for me i love my lord and savior Jesus Christ. I remember 2 years ago i had surgery for my gallbladder but when i was in the surgery when i was counting down i counted far as 5 then i passed out then i saw my grandma and mom they told me “it’s not ur time” they told me “we love you son and grandson” they told me “We love you son and grandson” they give me a hug and my mom told me “baby mommy is ok and i love you baby and yes my baby i saved a place for you in heaven” and “i love you baby” she kissed me on my forehead after my surgery was done. I woke up i told my cousin telling her i went to heaven and seeing my family again.


I had goosebumps watching this video, can't stop crying.... Jesus Christ is real y'all


Jesus is amazing! My cousin Johnny had a similar experience as Colton when he was 2 years old and the Jesus he saw was the exact same one Colton did.


The night I watched this movie, I was moved to tears, I literally cried my Hearth and Soul out to the Lord Jesus Christ wanting to see Him, and this what the Lord said to me, It is not my face/image that will give you salvation but my name and word when you obey..as it is by our Christ Jesus himself; Happy are those who believe in me and yet have not seen me..thanks to this movie, I have been able to experience a beautiful relationship with the Lord our God, Glory, Honour and Praise to Jesus


Beautiful movie, praise God and all things that He does in this world ❤️


I read both books & saw the movie, I can't tell you I loved the the movie & the book ( first one ) I read it in one night . I was so moved by this book that I had to read the second one & I know that God is real& we need him more then ever before with all that's going on in our country, always remember that we NEED GOD TODAY ! and that he's always here when we need him most .
Thank you Colton for telling us your story its one of the best stories to read & if you've not read it Please do you will fine it very hard to but down . And remember God IS love !
