Priorities for a Well Built House

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If you’re planning on building a new house or renovating your current home what should you prioritize spending your money on? In this episode Matt talks about the importance of separation layers and what constitutes a well built home. A deep dive into what systems help with energy use, comfort, and durability.

Huge thanks to our Show sponsors Polywall, Huber, Dorken Delta, Prosoco, & Viewrail for helping to make these videos possible! These are all trusted companies that Matt has worked with for years and trusts their products in the homes he builds. We would highly encourage you to check out their websites for more info.

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Double major Architecture & Construction Management here, these videos rock! They go deeper into topics that my classes don’t always get into, thank you and keep it up! 👍


I really wish you had a list of companies or contractors that have demonstrated excellence in building that I could look to for whatever area I live in. These are good principles for builders to know and homeowners like myself, but for someone like me that is interested enough to learn a lot of this stuff, I then need to find someone who employs these quality building techniques. This is so hard to do as a homeowner. How do I know if a builder is one I can trust/ rely on to do a good job?


Hey Matt. Young nurse without any responsible family here buying my first home. Thanks a lot for producing this stuff and giving me advice that I couldn't get elsewhere. Keep up the great work!


Fantastic video! This really helps to illustrate the importance of air sealing. As the saying goes "build right, build tight". Thanks Matt 👍


You should do a video on how to air seal a house that is already built and finished but is having air sealing issues.


Great job Matt. Please keep give examples of easy diy stuff we can do at home to make a difference. Example of what we can do to make our duct work in our attics better.


Very educational. You hit it right on the money in regards to a house being air tight. Not too many homeowners know about this. Great video.


Great presentation! As a designer of stock home plans this gives excellent guidance on where to prioritize the detailing in my drawings. I'm not entirely convinced about how "God designed us" but I'm with you 100% on how we should design and build houses, for energy efficiency, health and longevity.


I’d really love to hear more about a good roof structure for ICF homes


Its always precious when Matt talks about cold temperatures. 5 degrees is NOT a cold day in the winter for me.

That said, when he starts talking about 100 degree days, I want to run and hide.


Best low hanging fruit in my house was buying lots of Duck brand shrink film for a few dozen bucks and permanently 2 layers on windows that I plan to be able to open and 3 layers on windows that I plan to leave closed forever. Key is studying your windows to look for a ledge or shelf parallel to the glass that goes all around without break or interruptions, because it's important to be perfectly sealed to work best and especially to avoid condensation. Changed my life and probably the easiest reno I've done at home, if you don't mind calling it that. Matt, maybe you could teach us how to permanently install shrink film so more people can know this?


1:15 I think about it constantly, especially when my A/C is struggling to keep my home comfortable :)


AWESOME video! Thanks for sharing keeping our focus on the things that really matter and will make a long-term difference in construction!


dont mix construction and insulation layers; use construction layer for installations; insulate without thermal bridges; make important layers (like airtight layer) visible so that you can inspect it and fix it asap when needed; in my house the water tight layer is the exterior silicone plaster, and i can spot any holes in it easily; my air tight layer (0.2 n50 test result, clay plaster + some tapes near windows, doors, electrical outlets and slab - wall junction which did not cost much at all and i did myself) is the interior clay plaster which i also see and can repair at any pont, i can also air tighteen any hole i drill in the wall; my insulation layer (which is outside of the wall ) is separate from any construction or installations (electrical, plumbing) that are hidden in the walls, i can reorganize electrical etc. without touching the insulation, insulation stays uniform and has no thermal bridges; on the other hand i can remodel my insulation and facade without ruining my finished interiors (its outside, just pull it from the wall and replace; other tips: use natural and non toxic materials, they work, make your house passive, use all the free energy gains you can get, design your own house cause 'pros' will only copy paste whan they v been doing recently and whats convenient form them and not whats important for you; edit: for vapor controll use vapor buffering medium (clay plaster works wonders) inside and good ventilation system, you can close the wall for vapor from the outside if needed


Good bones and ease of future maintenance.


Im glad you posted this. I have thought about a lot of your content to determine what I would priorities and which options would give me the best ROI. It does feel like that these might be items that are important for your for-ever home a temporary house and what one is will to live with. Ive also thought about if i was to buy a home how could i check some of these element to determine if the house i was considering purchasing is well constructed.


I have nearly 30 years experience as a " carpenter. " And I would Never have anyone to do anything, that I could do myself !
I must give " Matt Risinger " credit ! I myself Never did remodeling, and there is a Lot of " knowledge and Experience " that can be picked up by doing that !


Great video! I'm always learning something for when I'm ready to build our custom home. Keep up the great job!


I would love a video or a series of videos on how to pick a contractor.
We are planning a major remodel this winter, and don't know where to start with picking a contractor. How do you "Quiz" a contractor as for what practices they employ?
What books would you recommend before a major remodel? Thanks


These videos are fantastic! We’re about to remodel our home in California and Build’s vids have been on our tv for weeks now.
