.NET Data Community Standup - Complex types as value objects in EF8

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The Entity Framework team returns with new community standups after a summer break heads-down working on EF8. In this session, we’ll look at the new “complex types” feature in EF8. Complex types do not have a key or any identity outside of the object’s value, but can still be deconstructed by property to map to different columns in the database. This allows either reference or value types to be used as DDD value objects with much better fidelity than when owned types are used. We’ll show examples of using complex types and talk about and answer your questions on the behavioral differences between entity types, owned entity types, complex types, and primitive types.
00:00 Countdown
02:38 Welcome to the .NET Data Community Standup
04:00 State of the Unicorn
06:46 Complex types as value objects overview
11:28 Demo
01:16:12 Limitations of Complex Types
01:23:45 Wrap
Community Links:
#EntityFramework #EFCore #DotNet
00:00 Countdown
02:38 Welcome to the .NET Data Community Standup
04:00 State of the Unicorn
06:46 Complex types as value objects overview
11:28 Demo
01:16:12 Limitations of Complex Types
01:23:45 Wrap
Community Links:
#EntityFramework #EFCore #DotNet
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