“Cause Gunna wanted cheeseburgers” 😭 💀 yey_szn
“Cause Gunna wanted cheeseburgers” 😭 💀
"Cause gunna wanted cheeseburges"💀💀 Lukuio-dcsb
"Cause gunna wanted cheeseburges"💀💀
“Rappers who are currently in HELP💀 XxSimply_VibessxX
“Rappers who are currently in HELP💀
Ymwmelly ain't in jail he's fine he just went to court😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 masonharvey
Ymwmelly ain't in jail he's fine he just went to court😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Rappers who are currently in jail: evryone uncannyofficechair
Rappers who are currently in jail: evryone
That thug life mentality lands every mf rapper in jail 😂😂😂 magnetacyan
That thug life mentality lands every mf rapper in jail 😂😂😂
“RaPpErS tHaT aRe CuRrEnTlY iN jAaAaIL IMLAYAN-zz
“RaPpErS tHaT aRe CuRrEnTlY iN jAaAaIL
Alright let’s in this debate for once and for all does melly deserve to be out of jail? Yes: ⬇️ No: ⬇️ mustarx_
Alright let’s in this debate for once and for all does melly deserve to be out of jail? Yes: ⬇️ No: ⬇️
You are my favorite YouTube you were the first one to respond to me and I please get a shout out in the next vid NothingLofi_chill
You are my favorite YouTube you were the first one to respond to me and I please get a shout out in the next vid
"Rappers who are currently in 🏴☠️ ambushsummers
"Rappers who are currently in 🏴☠️
Rappers that are currently In StormDoesNotCompare
Rappers that are currently In
RaPpERs whO aRE cuRRenTLY In jaAAAaaaIiillL UPFSonic
RaPpERs whO aRE cuRRenTLY In jaAAAaaaIiillL
being dumb in texas has me dead😂 he’s serving life though for murder gabemanning
being dumb in texas has me dead😂 he’s serving life though for murder
Bro said for”being dumb in Texas” and I’m in Texas and I’m dumb😂🥲 SximplyHeartsforme-mgkc
Bro said for”being dumb in Texas” and I’m in Texas and I’m dumb😂🥲
He’s not in jail he’s in house arrest, but he is only supposed to be in one entire room, and he chose the kitchen super_fizh
He’s not in jail he’s in house arrest, but he is only supposed to be in one entire room, and he chose the kitchen
YNW Melly did not kill his 2 best friends LiamQuick
YNW Melly did not kill his 2 best friends
Bro did no one notice that a like appears Wazert
Bro did no one notice that a like appears
bro why did i just see the effect when you like a short gianlucasp.martirizar
bro why did i just see the effect when you like a short