#mhTV episode 151 - Janet Garner & Ernie Mallen at #NorQual

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The following session was recorded at their fourth event on Friday 17 November 2023. With thanks to Prof Karen Wright and Dr James Turner for organising the event and the invitation to support with recording the sessions.
Title: Achieving PARITY: Co-creating an impact measure for service user and carer involvement in pre-registration nurse
Abstract: Few impact measures are developed in co-production with service users and carers. This study contributes to addressing that gap. The resulting co-created 21-item impact measure, which was tested for structural validity and internal reliability, shows promise and offers something original to the field by embracing a participatory approach to all stages of the research process. These early test results should be treated with a measure of caution; the methodological limitations of testing at just one university and with a limited age range of students are acknowledged. Future research will be required to strengthen internal consistency and address these limitations, and to establish the stability of the measure, before it can be claimed to meaningfully measure any changes resulting from service user and carer involvement in the curriculum.
Title: Achieving PARITY: Co-creating an impact measure for service user and carer involvement in pre-registration nurse
Abstract: Few impact measures are developed in co-production with service users and carers. This study contributes to addressing that gap. The resulting co-created 21-item impact measure, which was tested for structural validity and internal reliability, shows promise and offers something original to the field by embracing a participatory approach to all stages of the research process. These early test results should be treated with a measure of caution; the methodological limitations of testing at just one university and with a limited age range of students are acknowledged. Future research will be required to strengthen internal consistency and address these limitations, and to establish the stability of the measure, before it can be claimed to meaningfully measure any changes resulting from service user and carer involvement in the curriculum.