My current makeup inventory | 2024 channel plans

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Happy New Year!!

Eyeshadow: Amunet Nu from Adept Cosmetics
Lipstick: Man Eater from The Lip Bar
MY SECOND CHANNEL (Finding Health)

Clionadh Cosmetics: KARACHAPMAN to save 6% (affiliated)

Gourmande Girls: KARA to save 10% (affiliated)

Gerard Cosmetics: KARA to save 30% (affiliated)

The Lip Bar: KARA10 to save 10% (affiliated)

Adept Cosmetics: KARA to save 10% (affiliated)

Cheekbone Beauty: KARA to save 10% (not affiliated)


For reference:
Age: 43
Skin type: normal, leaning towards dry
Mac shade: NC20
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I’m also a paper and pen kind of person. I think it’s my age range. I am a person who journals tho. I like your week in makeup videos, I rarely comment. Usually watch while I work or workout. I also am a hobby YouTuber and could give a poop what the algorithm thinks, lol. I love your channel, Kara! Keep doing you!


I love your week in makeup videos. I definitely watch all of them. Also don’t feel pressured to buy all the new and review it. I know I don’t have an unlimited budget and it’s helpful to see other people who are thoughtful about their purchasing.

I like your idea about talking about makeup after it’s released rather than before. I usually think long and hard before I buy anything makeup related. I don’t know if I’m alone in this but I find project pans really boring. I like rotating through my collection and getting use out of my products.


I'm mostly a lurker everywhere (I watch while I'm working, so every video is background) but I wanted to pop my head up and say I appreciate your channel and your "normal makeup enthusiast person"-ness and I'm happy to see you're continuing on terms you're comfortable with. I'll be watching! And probably not commenting because work.


Happy New Year beautiful 😊 I did my first ever makeup inventory and I have 3 setting sprays. I only use 2 and the third one is just one I use to spray my brush from time to time.
I feel like your collection and mine are pretty the similar number.
YouTube is exhausting especially if you have a full time job. YouTube started as a hobby so I always make sure I remember that.
I love the weekly makeup video's. They are fun and love seeing your eyeshadow looks.


What do you do - whatever makes you happy. You have young kids, a high pressure job / business, and what youtube likes should be second. I am sure the extra paycheck is nice, but being happy is nicer.


I am really reducing my makeup spending too! I have been doing well for about 6 months but want to do even better in the future! Makeup is pretty but that money being used towards something bigger is what I am trying to keep in mind! Looking forward to your future videos!


I found you yesterday through your palette declutter. I’m loving seeing a fellow Canadian makeup lover and am now bingeing your videos!


It's very refreshing to have people in my feed who use makeup as a "regular person" instead of reviewing makeup as a job. I love when you show makeup looks with outfits and all.


Love your ideas about your upcoming video.


Teeheehee- i also just like the notebooks! More notebooks!


Happy new year!!! COnsidered makeup purchases sounds great for you! You've got the income to but what you want, I think, and you have so much work stress +family obligations + health + etc, and you should do what makes you happy in this space!


Your channel is a breath of fresh air and I’m so happy the algorithm suggested you. This is exactly what I’ve been looking for someone who started a YouTube channel and doesn’t rely on it as their main source of income. Someone who might participate in project pans or low buys, but is really trying to cultivate their collection for their own use. Just happens to be sharing it online. Finally, someone who is willing to say their occupation and show what they wear to the office day to day.

Thank you for sharing your journey so far and look forward to more videos.


I have the notebook disease too…it’s the adhd for me 😂


I thought about breaking these into multiples comments (better engagement, feed YouTube) - but wasn't sure it would be appreciated. :)

I like you thoughts around planning for your channel. As you were sharing them, I thought to myself - what are Kara's goals for the channel. To grow it? Increase sponsorship? Have fun? All of the above? That should drive your plans. (i.e. Increase subs = new make up review videos. That doesn't sound like a current goal.) It's seems you are hitting the right spot for you.

I really enjoy this week in make-up. I do not (anyone's) project pan). Quite frankly, the updates are boring. Just give me an empties. Or, if you choose not to finish a product - why (a declutter).

Be well! Al


We are SO dating ourselves with the love of notebooks and stationary supplies in general. Don't care. Love paper! Holidays were great until bad news from home on the 1st. Way to go 2024, starting out great.

I hope you find your groove this year and keep the dreaded burnout at bay! I love watching your content literally regardless of the subject matter so you continue doing YOU and I'll continue supporting whatever that is :)


Girl, you are not alone in keeping that many half written notebooks! I just started a makeup journal and have been recording all the products I use day to day in attempt to try and fill one up lmao. Great video Kara! You’re so freaking gorgeous btw, and happy new year ❤❤❤


You and I are so much alike! I like the notebooks too!😂


I'm always loosing my journals and always buying more 😂


I look forward to any video you put out Kara! Your makeup room is very organized. Um I have bags in my closet with eyeshadow palettes... I really enjoy your week in makeup vids - they inspire me plus they are fun! Nice to see that you survived Christmas.


This is why I love your channel. You're unapologetically you. I decided not to buy any palettes, but, this year, I might actually indulge and buy myself some. I also use notebooks like that! You aren't alone there.
