kavuni arisi || black kavuni rice || kavuni rice benefits in tamil || kavuni rice for weight loss

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Kavuni Rice has anti-inflammatory properties and so is a healing food. It helps reduce inflammation caused by various diseases such as cancer, arthritis, and allergies.
Kavuni is a naturaldetoxifying agent. It holds phytonutrients that aids in body detoxification.

The rice is good for live function as it helps remove toxins from the liver and detoxifies it.
Black rice is a gluten-free grain. For those with gluten allergies and Celiac disease, it is a good alternative.

It helps fight diabetes as the rice bran contains rich fiber that helps in glucose absorption in the body. It lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Black rice helps prevent cancer, and heart diseases. It promotes a healthy heart by reducing LDL, triacylglycerol, and total cholesterol. It is good for body organs such as kidney, stomach, and liver.

Because of its rich fiber content, black Kavuni rice satiates the appetite and makes you feel fuller for a longer time. When considered with other rice varieties, consuming just one-third of kavuni rice gets you the necessary nutrients and fills the hunger cravings. Thus, it aids weight-loss as well.
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Really new information for me about traditional rice..thank you bro


First time i am seeing this kind of rice i amazed and very useful info


Very useful video...nice explanation about this kavuni rice
