Betrayal (Jun) Simplified - PoE For Dummies

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Hello and welcome to the second video of the PoE For Dummies series! This is a new and experimental type of videos in which i try to (shortly) explain some of the PoE's mechanics in hopes that you (and I) will learn something new!

This one is a bit longer as the mechanic itself has 2 parts, all of which were covered in the video (other than the Mastermind boss, which will get its own separate video).

Here are the links:
[One thing i haven't mentioned is the coloring in the picture. It is explained in top left, but in general, you want to get what you like the most. Green being the most valuable to red being the worst value]

If you have any new ideas, please do comment down below, and thank You for watching!

Streams most days (after 7/8pm CET) on:
Here on Youtube
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finally someone that actually explains wtf any of this means. every other video just starts talking about why you should pick one person and not another but doesn't explain anything about what the goal or point of it all is


Thanks for this video! Finally one that is not 60 minutes long and barely explains it. Straight to the point and actually clearly explains it.


Thanks for the video! I think I finally understood the basics of betrayal.


Thank you so much for this. There are so many guides and walkthroughs that just don't explain it from a beginner's standpoint. It is one of the most frustrating things about this game. As much as I loved it, it is super painful and difficult to learn all these previous League mechanics


Great video. Just from playing, I had maybe 75% of this knowledge already, but this video really helped fill out the remaining missing details.


Every other person just confused me about betrayal but this seems very simple and to the point, very helpful. 😁


Personally, I've always enjoyed Betrayal. The reward structure is a little complicated but the Syndicate have some of the best lines in the game.


What I am not getting is the veiled mods on items. I use Jun's crafting, and it gives me three options. Rarely, the bar for an option is white and I earn a crafting recipe. Usually, all three bars are gold, I think, and I still have to choose one of the three, and it always says no. This mechanic is so dumb that I must be missing something.


i want to ask.

i want korell goya craft. where i should put that man. is his posisiton in the safe house with 3 stars (below master mind) and i do the master mind . or when he in the safehouse posisition with 3 stars i do the safe houses ( i kill that korell in safe house)?


so the last part the crafting one can i put my own item there so it can have a veiled mod?


hello here, i don't understand how to sustain jun missions. Like i have done 40 map+, just for 2 -3 jun encounter... it's always einhar, alva or niko...


Elreon is never showing up on my encounters. does this mean I have to keep on releasing or bargain anyone until he shows up?
