YOU Are a Member of the JUSTICE LEAGUE!! (Kinda) || Comic Misconceptions || NerdSync

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The Justice League of America is made up of the greatest heroes from the DC Comics universe, and YOU are one of them! Well, okay, not really. But being a comics fan in today's nerd culture is a lot like being a member of a superhero team like the JL. We're exploring the psychology behind comic book superhero teams, groups of comic nerds, and even large comic cons!

Every Wednesday, Comic Misconceptions explores the incredible stories, fascinating ideas, and mind-blowing theories regarding comic books and the rich history and culture that surrounds them!


COMIC THEORY: Are the Avengers REAL?!

63 Crazy Comic Book Facts! (feat. YOU!)


The Psychology of Superheroes: An Unauthorized Exploration - Robin S. Rosenberg et al.
The History of Comic Conventions
A Social Identity Theory of Leadership - Michael A. Hogg
The Handbook of Group Research and Practice
The Psychology of Initiation Ceremonies

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WAIT. Cyborg ISN'T wearing an outfit. Did anyone else realize that?! He's been NAKED this whole time!


Every member of the Justice League brings something to the team.
Booster Gold brings the donuts.


I'm getting so tired of the vast majority of YouTube channels I follow being sponsored by Lootcrate and teasing me with it month after month when it doesn't even ship to my country.


Ever thought of talking about group configurations? The Justice League are a pantheon, obviously, but Grant Morrison has compared the Avengers to a sports team, the X-men are a school and the FF are a Family. Morrison even tried creating a biker-gang superteam, the Skrull Kill Crew.


I'm sure someone else can handle that monster attacking the city... right?


I think at cons it is good to lose that individuality temporarily. You start to feel that you are around like-minded people, people who are like you so you feel group elements and it makes you feel better about yourself knowing that there are other people around you that share your interests and you're not just the one who sticks out in high school and is the nerdy kid.


I do really like the addition of music mixed in with the v/o, however.


With this in mind could you then suggest that alternatively X-men reflect the group mentality of minority groups? Similarly with Fantastic Four reflecting the family dynamic? Perhaps even the Bat Family could reflect the mentality of groups bound by tragedy like Alcoholics Anonymous?


I know that I personally don't feel drowned out at Comic Con. I think the big difference is that unlike the League, a convention is only for a short time and is an event rather than a standing commitment.

The first time I went to Comic Con felt more akin to a superhero meeting the Justice League or Avengers for the first time. You spend a lot of time doing your thing (whether it's being a nerd or superhero) alone and now you're surrounding by all these different people who have been doing this for years and it's inspiring. It opens you up to new ideas and concepts and can assure you that there's other out there like you that are going through the same stuff you are.


When you mentioned the difference in the JL members costumes it reminded me of the TV shows episodes 'A Better World' and 'Divided We Fall. In these episodes the alternate world JL, the Justice Lords, all have new uniforms with a more cohesive feel and you can definitely get the sense of a lack individuality from the members. Especially John Stewart.


makes you wonder about the negative aspects of this kind of behavior when you consider groups of Villains like The Brotherhood of mutants, The legion of Doom and the Sinister six. We'd typically associate them with groups like Mob families or extremist cults, but they operate in much the same way the 'Heroes' do.


Thank you so much for this video and especially the sources that you listed in the description box! I'm writing an essay right now on group dynamics and these sources are really helping me out!!! Thank you!


I love how you bring such a scholarly attitude to your videos. You aren't just blowing hot air, you actually do legitimate research and seem to draw conclusions to match your evidence rather than come up with a pre-conceived idea and then set out to prove it.


The differing roles in the team could be likened to being a member of a band, where each person knows their instrument but collectively, they know the music


I went to my first Comic Con last year and I've never felt more welcome. I felt like part of a community and I can't wait to go back this September.


"And I would own it." Ha! Well done.


I totally agree with you on the team statement you did, if everyone's skills are extremely similar, they won't be able to accomplish things that need different skills. This happened to me at school where everyone in my team was good at writing but bad at presenting.


Dude you reminded me i belong somewhere... thanks! and thanks for being in my team! you are the teacher of my team i'm pretty sure someday i'll come up with your superhero name... something like scottborg or something cyborg


Ohhhh my goodness, a bat man vs soup or man!!! ALL THE


I've never been to a comic con, but I'm sure the dichotomy between the individual and the group can be sussed out many places. My personal points of reference are concerts and ren faires. I never walk away feeling diluted or less unique. If anything, I leave feeling more confident and individual. When you're in a group like a con or concert or faire, you get these wonderful interactions with so many who are not only like minded about the event, but different in so many other ways. Human individuality is hardy and fractal. The love of comics, tunics, or punk rock are just the icebreaker for the group of complicated individuals participating. I've cheered much alongside many I'm sure I would not have met otherwise.
