American Revolution: Battle of Bunker Hill & Siege of Boston, 1775

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The Battle of Bunker Hill: following the Battle of Lexington & Concord and the start of the American Revolution, both the besieged British and the newly formed Continental Army are looking to settle scores in Boston. British plans to break out are put on hold as Continental forces seize Breed’s Hill and Bunker Hill, overlooking the city. The British know they must retake the heights if they are to stay in Boston, and plan an immediate assault...


History Rebels: welcome to our series on the American Revolution. Join us as we explore the key battles, strategies, and politics that led to the birth of a nation!



00:00 Introduction
05:47 Battle Prelude
11:42 The British Attack
18:41 Siege of Boston


Notable Sources:
Battle of Bunker Hill: A History from Beginning to End, Hourly History
Bunker Hill, Nathaniel Philbrick
1776, David McCullough
The Men Who Lost America, Andrew Jackson
The Glorious Cause: The American Revolution, 1763-1789, Robert Middlekauff
The War for American Independence, 1775-1783, Jeremy Black
The British Are Coming: The War for America 1775 -1777, Rick Atkinson
Killing England, Bill O’Reilly

#history #americanrevolution #independenceday #historical #revolution #battles #battlefield #war
Рекомендации по теме

It can’t be understated how incredibly difficult it was for Knox to move the cannons from north of Saratoga to Boston. Crossing two of the major rivers of the northeast, countless smaller rivers, around or over mountains, hills and long ridges. He had to take an extraordinarily long route to avoid the green mountains and the mountains of southern NH and northern Massachusetts. If you know the ground, you can’t help but marvel at the effort and success. An absolutely pivotal operation.


Proud to say that my 5th great grandfather served in Washington's colonial army. Sadly, he didn't survive the winter at Valley Forge and succumbed to disease...likely dysentery. Jacob Eckman. Haven't officially done it yet but, I am a Son of the Revolution and...I think thats really cool!


Perfect treat just shy of July 4th. Thanks for the balanced analysis; it was a hard-fought campaign on both sides, and both sides had exceptional displays of tactical and strategic excellence marred by very understandable blunders. Those who ridicule either side heavy-handedly underestimate the difficulties of traversing the east coast's terrain and gathering sufficient intelligence for sound decision-making. As someone who lived and grew up near Boston, it's a wonder that the Brits managed to fend off the colonial militias at all when they had been so forewarned and organized. Superb training and the valour of relief forces kept Lexington and Concord from turning into a small-scale disaster.

In any modern conflict (God forbid), an attacking force would suffer appalling casualties against determined resistance (a few machineguns and short-range anti-armor teams would wreak havoc in the interior of Massachusetts), whereas these crazy SOBs were fighting uphill in wool uniforms and in the face of concentrated fire.


I'm from and live in New Zealand but I've always had massive passion for history of the American Revolution. It is superb to see such a faithful account of the political landscape and field battles that shaped the war
Well done sir!


Fantastic! This just might be the best Bunker Hill video I’ve ever seen! Excellent job! 🇺🇸 🇬🇧

John Stark’s New Hampshire militia displayed an incredible level of discipline during Bunker Hill. While many of the New England militiamen would have been veterans of the French and Indian War, many were younger men who had never tasted battle before. It’s not at all easy for an untrained man to stand firm against experienced, trained soldiers - men who are well drilled, trained and paid to kill, have done so, and are much better at it than you.

Stark, his officers and NCO’s had enough control and trust over their men where the Royal Welch (a top of the line grenadier unit with quite the reputation, mind you) were practically on top of them, and none of them tried to flee or fire preemptively. The end result was that, when the order to fire was given, they routed the Royal Welch in a single volley. That wasn’t a very common occurrence in 18th Century warfare.

Bravo, gentlemen!


This is absolutley amazing. More please.

Love how you manage to switch between an explaination of the international politics driving the conflict & a detailed tatical view of the individual battles themselves so seamlessly.

Cant wait for the next ep!


Awesome work! I love how you give a non-sensationalized version of the war which, ironically, misses out on so much of it. You've earned a subscriber.


And again our founding fathers put out well with 2 to 1 against Britain! Thank you for the great history lessons


I see you draw a lot of your inspiration from Epic History TV, which is my favorite documentary channel from the Napoleonic Era as a Frenchman living in Boston. I have always wanted that channel to do something with the Revolutionary War... then I came across your channel a few moment ago - I am so glad! You earned a new subscriber!


Finally someone does a faithful series on the revolution. Well done sir!


This is very Good!
The gun model shown at 11:00 is a percussion cap btw


I’ve been waiting for someone to cover the American Revolution, keep it up!


A British commander underestimating native forces and dividing his own forces? You can rest assured that that will absolutely never, ever happen again.
- Lord Chelmsford


These are just superbly done. Great narration, excellent use of details and numbers. Demonstrating the basics of warfare at that time is an excellent touch to instruct those unfamiliar with the concepts and thus begins to teach new generations unfamiliar with this historical period. It’s my understanding that these subjects are (or already have) becoming less and less areas of teaching in schools. It is truly sad to see college level students not being able to answer even the most basic questions on their own country’s history which has led to the veery way of how they live compared to other areas of the world. But back to my main point, these are excellent historical videos and done superbly. I can’t wait to see more. Thank you


How does this only have 3K subs? This is as good or better than the HistoryMarche I just watched.


Another well done. I look forward to the entire series. I'm near a key point of Knox' Trail [and Washington's Springfield Armory] and am well versed in the New England history of the revolution but you're including some details that I yet hadn't known.


I love these History Marche and Epic History inspired channels, its awesome to see.
All the best to you man I'm enjoying this video right now.
Good luck!


This is superb quality for such a new channel. Congratulations on the success.


Absolutely fantastic! I've done a revolutionary war video on my own channel, but this one goes above and beyond!


Bro this is so well done. Keep up the good work
