you fell in love

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hope you guys enjoy this playlist :)
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I fell in love with a person for about almost 4yrs. It was unrequited. (Is that the correct word?) Anyway I'm now healed and have moved on, but every time I remember him and the way he spoke and how I made him laugh sometimes it makes me nostalgic, sad, but happy because it was such a beautiful feeling and experience. I miss the feeling of being in love. So fulfilling. So sweet it makes you lightheaded, you're practically floating on clouds. Anyway I hope you all have a wonderful day. :)


I haven’t had a crush on anyone for the past three years… I really miss the feeling of it


That song reminds me of a classic but peaceful feeling, reminds me of grandma, childhood memories - good memories that I lost.


This playlist is amazing, it's healing me! ><


As soon as I heard 'Summer Is For Falling in Love' I knew this playlist is good. I love this❤❤



0:01 - 3:03 Summer is for falling in love - Sarah kang
3:04 - 6:07 Time traveling - Sarah kang and Anthony Lazaro
6:08 - 8:49 More than words - Sarah kang
8:50 - 11:49 For a summer - Sarah kang
11:50 - 16:01 Moon and away - Sarah kang
16:02 - 19:05 Cozy - Sarah kang
19:06 - 23:48 Home - Sarah kang
23:49 - 27:49 Trip around the sun - Sarah kang
27:50 - 32:28 One - Sarah kang

Hope this helped and have an amazing day/night ♡♡♡


💕My dear butterfly poem🦋

beautiful butterfly everywhere

Butterflies that fill my heart

Happiness in his eyes

Each time I stare

Hoping with each glare

Butterflies will fill his

Beautiful butterflies


They’re beautiful, but so is he

Beautiful butterfly everywhere

I think he’s looking at me

I hope he sees that in me

Beautiful butterflies everywhere

Each time I look at him,

beauty is all I see

beautiful butterfly everywhere

Butterflies around you and me

-Beautiful butterfly 🦋
By me ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
4/29/23 😊


I dont even know how it happened, we were never close and its not like anything significant happened but i just have a massive crush on him al of a sudden


We could drive along An ocean reflecting the sun Or make a bed of green Atop a wide open scene Under a canvas of blue I would draw ever nearer to you To feel the dew on your skin That is how it would begin For summer is for falling in love We could stay out late Until the sun sets past eight And the cotton candy haze Mirrors the warmth of your gaze Raise your glass to mine And as we drink, we would lock eyes So we could disregard The thought of ever having to part For summer is for falling in love This lightness of being We both know to be fleeting Like the last breath of a sunset Right before the day is dead But maybe the heat of today Could keep even winter away So Ill remember your laugh Cause nothing ever changes the fact That summer is for falling in love Summer is for falling in love


I’m in my room with my LED lights on and all I hear is this playlist playing. I love this 💕💕💕💕💕


갑자기 이 노래 들으니까 사랑이라는 감정을 다시한번 느껴보고 싶다. 원래 초1때부터 쭉 사랑이라는 감정을 느껴왔었는데 한번 썸을 1년 가까이 탄후에 별 이유 없이 헤어지며 마음의 문을 완전히 닫아버려서 이젠 딱히 별로 감흥이 안 듦... 원래의 그 자신만만한 성격도 없어지고 눈치만 보고... 그 사람과 함께 대화하며 설렜던 마음, 학교 가면 그를 볼수 있다는 즐거움, 한번 닿을 때마다 가슴이 뛰는 그 느낌을 다시 느끼고 싶다. 이제는 누가 나 좋아한다해도 이해가 안갈 것 같다...


It's good music, beautiful cover, cool composition, and good work, but I hope more works come out because I think it's so good that I personally spend more time focusing on it.


I like this playlist! 💙he's so calming. I'll turn it on when i go somewhere, but it's definitely my fav.


literally not in love rn, but this playlist makes me feel in love


I love this playlist ueueueueue Fell for this girl, hopeful she may return my feelings but even if she doesn't, it makes me quite happy I can at least have this time to talk to her everyday~ Thank you for the playlist :DD


Sarah's songs is so calming, , it actually feels like your crush didn't reject you,


i have a crush that older than me lol:) in summer 2020 she finally in love with me but i was to young to have crush with her, today is 2023, now i know that t rly love her <3 i'm still make she love me back hehe


the fact that YouTube recommended this to me 'cause they know I'm thinking of him nonstop


bro i have the biggest crush on him ever. for about..2 years already? almost 3. literally when i go to school, i look forward to seeing him. that’s like almost half the reason i enjoy school, because of this one basic, simple guy 😭. talking to him is such a hard but nice feeling, it gives me sm butterflies. i could never imagine myself to fall in love again but it just happened. my friends catch us just .. *STARING* into each others souls. it’s so hard to look away, i’m obsessed 💀.. i wish i had the courage to talk to him. his smile and laugh literally removes my bad day, idk what i’d do without him. i’ve known him for so long, i hope he feels the same way. i love falling in love, i hope this lasts <3


lovely playlist, giving off so much the butterfly in stomach vibe!
