Editorial with Sujit Nair | Saffronising India | BJP | Hindutva | PM Modi

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In this episode of The Editorial, Mr. Sujit Nair discusses the saffronisation of our country. He delves into color psychology and explains how colors impact our minds. Mr. Nair also examines how the BJP is using saffron to influence public perception and how their government is incorporating saffron into public assets. This saffronisation, he argues, is helping the BJP align the public mind with their brand.

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Now-a-days saffron colour has been proving dangerously injurious to the health, wealth, safety, sovereignty, secularism, democracy, independence and constitution of India.


Thank you Sir for educating us. Your editorial is so vivid.


Brilliant editorial. Built on sound logic and reasoning. It also warns the citizens of India that by restricting to one single colour for political reasons and gains could be detrimental to the unity of India. Indians believe that variety is the spice of life. Use and abuse of a single colour such as saffron will kill the Idea of India.


Thank you so much for bringing this up in a polite manner.


As a colour, I liked it. As that colour is compulsorily applied to Government owned companies, I have developed great aversion to it. How dare they do this 😡😡?


You are so right Mr. Nair .
I always agree with you on all your episodes. You are so honest, empathetic and straight forward. Smart Sujit Nair.


When Supreme Judiciary is Saffronized what there to complaint


Saffronizing our country India is divide & rule it is not secularism good editorial


What Mr.Sujit saying is true, true, true.


RSS has never liked the colours of our National Flag. I am very sure I don't intend to be saffronised, thank you. Great presentation though 👏 👌


Great eye-opener... colour Psychology!!
Thank you Sudhir Ji


One of the best editorial pieces which you’ve done in recent times. During my school days in late 80s and early 90s, I know saffron was a color of satvic and it signifies the sadhus and politeness of the people. After the millennial years I found it very vigorous and dangerous to the nations UNITY as they want to change the country to Uniformity. It degrades the country’s multicultural society by destroying the unity. Thanks for such a wonderful editorial. Keep the good work.


My brain is already programmed by BJP to hate saffron color.


Glad you put your point of view across with logic and psychology, Mr Nair. And above all the power of advertising. Convincing indeed.


Wonderful video Sujith,
Color brings recall and to it top of mind, when saffron is all over we take on a new identity.
When the green flags are prominant we hear people say this is green country or go to Pakistan,
When they say its red territory it means its the communist party,
That area, the people are gradually identified with that brand, and that brand has an underlying message be it of x, y, z belief.
The outside world will soon identify you as an Indian not for being an IT geek, or being secular but by looking at tangible imprints that have been forcefully marketed by those in power:-
1. A veggie
2. A yogie
3. A saffronite
4. A hindi speaking person
5. A Hindu.

The secular aspects of the constitution are today being stripped away, the streets and cities have been renamed, the language is being centralised, the national color is being monotised, the diet prefrences are restricted, even the judiciary many tilak smeared and hosting PMs and leaders of saffron at their homes are passing judgements with their Gods intervention to find solutions for a dispute that needed application of mind, fairness and inclusivity.

Tomorrow may bring about a new India, a viksit Bharat, a total saffron flag, the cricket team will wear saffron, there will be a single language, text books will continue to rewrite history, and gone gone will be the green, white and even blue in the flag, Air India too is saffron, Tejas trains saffron, isro rockets will go saffron,
This level of messaging is so blind that they can stoop to levels of your Ration card, PAN, Aadhaar, Passport going saffron not to forget a saffron dress code for the military, and they may even attempt to change the traffic lights🚦 to safron, safron and more saffron.

The secular fabric and inclusivity is sadly being destroyed by such missteps.
The freedom of 1947 and the foundation of the constitution came through a lot of fight, we are losing them at a fast pace and the identity is cahnging by embracing the far right, and such actions will trigger some counter parties and it will put to ruin a well woven fabric that is inclusive of the Saffron, white, blue and green.

What we really need is for these energies to be channeled for a better fight..and not be color blind.


Very very important topic. It's insidious and thus needs to be revealed to the common public. Only a person like you with advertising experience can do this.mr. Nair ❤


Your current topic selection & presentation are brilliant. But, a small percentage of people would be informed of these important issues as a small percentage only can understand English. If the presentation is broadcast in Hindi and some south Indian languages, the message reaches most people.


Subtle ways to influence the minds of people! Inner engineering!!
I have been feeling this way for quite sometime. You have given expression to my thoughts.❤


Anything in excess leads to aversion in the end.Good analysis by Nair in advertising language.


Undoubtedly. What you and eminent journalists have highlighted and talked about requires courage. I thank you other journalists for highlighting and talking on this topics. Keep up the independent journalism live you guys our last hope who talk boldly on such topics.
