Top 10 BEST Roller Coasters In Germany

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Top 10 BEST Roller Coasters In Germany that I've ridden! I'm lucky enough to of experienced over 1000 different roller coasters across the world and I really appreciate the fact that I've travelled to so many theme parks. However there's some rides that stand out much more than others! In this video I'll be talking about my favourite coasters in Germany and sharing my top 10!

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Germany definitely has some great coasters.


I would have liked to see Fluch von Novgorod or Schwur des Kärnan but I pretty much like the rest of the list👍


I’m surprised that colossos wasn’t on here tbh but certainly not surprised Taron was number 1. That ride look so good and I can’t wait to ride it one day


I think it's pretty hard to do a list but i think this is mine:
1. Schwur des Kärnan (Hansa Park)
2. Taron (Phantasialand)
3. Colossos -Kampf der Giganten (Heide Park)
4. Fluch von Novgorod or as its now called: Flucht von Novgorod (Hansa Park)
5. El Toro (Freizeitpark Plohn)
6. Wodan Timbur Coaster (Europapark)
7. Black Mamba (Phantasialand)
8. Karacho (Tripsdrill)
9. Flug der Dämonen (Heide Park)
10. Expedition GeForce (Holiday Park)


Ideas for new top 10
Top 10 B&m inverted
Top 10 themed coasters
Top 10 winged coaster
Top 10 flying coasters
Top 10 best inversions/drops/elements


Love these list videos of each country 👍


Shawn always uploads before I wake up so I have a tpw video to watch to start my day! 😊


Another great video as always Shawn, love your daily uploads :)


I really miss Kärnan in your list.
In my opinion, its by far the best Roller Coaster experience in Germany.
Nevertheless, again a good video!


My Ranking would be:
10. El Toro
9. Hals über Kopf
8. Wodan
7. Dessert Race
6. Dynamite
5. Colossos
4. Black Mamba
3. Flug der Dämonen
2. Taron
1. Expedition Ge-Force
Sadly I didn't get a chance to ride the coasters at Hansa Park and I also didn't do Fly until now.

Very nice Video and also very cool chanel. Some great content. Absolutely brilliant.
Thank you!


Silver Star is fun! Went on it when it was fairly new 😁. Need to get back to Europapark and Phantasialand, as I haven't been for a while, and there's loads of new rides I haven't been on yet.
Europapark is like home to me, as I lived/worked there for a few years. It definitely has a place in my heart 😊💖


I totally agree with Taron. The ride is just stunning


Good morning Shawn and thanks for another great video.
I have never been to any German Parks, so can’t give you my top 10, but can’t wait to see your Vlogs from Europa Park, Phantasia Land etc, when you get back out there. Keep on Riding buddy 🎢🎢👍🏻👍🏻⭐️⭐️


Love your videos I want to know if you could do a video on what it's like working at Alton( or any park for that matter) as a ride operator. Keep up the work!


Did Karnan get relocated out of Germany or?


Ooo nice find looking forward to this one! Did my first trip to Germany in 2020 and went to 3 parks, hoping there's something I missed in this video from somewhere other than movie park, phantasialand and ofcourse europapark. I live in the Netherlands so this video might inspire a summer road trip!


Germany are one of my fav for Theme Parks, please do video for Dark Rides in Germany!


Great Video but I miss Hansa Park in your list. My Top10
1. Taron
2. Der Schwur des Kärnan
3. Fluch von Novgorod
4. F.L.Y.
5. Expedition GeForce
6. Black Mamba
7. Colorado Adventure ;)
8. Karacho
9. Wodan
10. Blue Fire


Great video! Can't wait to experience these coaster in 2 months, making the long flight from the US for a 6 park germany tour


It's pretty tough to choose a top 10 in Germany. But here it is.
1 Taron
2 Expedition GeForce
3 blue Fire Megacoaster
4 F.L.Y.
5 El Toro
6 Karacho
7 Hals-über-Kopf
8 Flug der Dämonen
9 Black Mamba
10 Dynamite

- My rides on Schwur des Kärnan in autumn 2019 were quite rough and a disapointment.
- The first part of Colossos - Kampf der Giganten is good. But that slow helix ruined the experience.
- It has been since 2017 that i visited Europa-Park. My expectections for Wodan were too high. Maybe with a new visit and the right expectations Wodan will end up in the top 10. I'm not a Silver Star fan.
- Freizeitpark Plohn has two great coasters and they deserve more attention. Go visit that park!
- Honorable mention for Arthur, but it's more a dark ride with coaster sections than other way around.
