Colombia protesters, police trade tear gas and rocks in anti-government demonstration

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Tensions rose on the streets of Colombia Friday, as protesters and police traded tear gas and rocks during an anti-government demonstration.

Protesters attacked an armored police vehicle using a water cannon near the demonstration and officers fired tear gas to disperse the angry crowd.

Amid singing and music during demonstrations in the capital city of Bogota, protesters vowed to keep marching for change in their country.

The demonstrations were part of a nationwide protest launched by unions four weeks ago in Colombia's main cities to demand a basic income, an end to police violence, and opportunities for young people.

#GlobalNews #Colombia #ColombiaProtests

Coming to a country near you. Fight governmental totalitarianism!


O for a minute I thought that was America! O wait same crap..different country....


I'm confused, where are the police in this video? All I see are military soldiers. 🤔


aidez-nous, la répression du gouvernement est brutale, morts, décapités, disparus sont des milliers. aidez-nous. Je ne peux pas comprendre pourquoi la communauté internationale ne fait rien.


What you say it's totally out of context. The violence and the human rights violations comes almost totally from the authorities. We have at least 50 deaths, 350 people disappeared and more than 20 cases of sexual abuse, where the perpetrators are the authorities. If you are not enough professionals to do your job as journalists at least don't do reports totally out of the reality. There hundreds of videos images and proof. It's that so, that de CIDH is going to visit the country. You look just as the Colombia propaganda media's


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