The TRUTH No One Tells You About NYC | Why You Will Love or Hate It + TIPS

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In this video I explain why you will either LOVE living in NYC or why you should NOT move to NYC! These are all my personal opinions, mixed with some facts about what your day-to-day would be like in The Big Apple and what NO ONE tells you before moving to NYC. If you have questions, drop them below and THANKS for watching!





Ninjoi. - Again
IG: @hellothematic

Jef - Mornings
IG: @jeffkaale

Insta Models - Do It Like You
IG: @nonflmusic

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Some apartments don’t have windows!? Man, my mental health would be shot if I had to live in a windowless shoebox


Sis said, first things first - ain’t no salsa.


My personal tip: Don't under estimate how cold it can get in the winter, NYC is next to 2 bodies of water so the cold breeze in the winter is amplified.


the black youtubers i been looking for my whole life. shes so beautiful 😫 and her personality just radiates. like easily without forcing it.


When I got my first place, I had $8k saved up for it. I was able to fully furnish my apartment and also pay those moving fees. Having money saved is essential!


I’m from Brooklyn born and raised, and the only reason why shit is so expensive like food and living cost is because of gentrification. Also the amount of Rodents and roaches have definitely increased due to gentrification. NYC is a busy fast place environment period, it isn’t made for faint heart, you need tough skin. If all
these gentrifiers move away, Brooklyn and NYC will be affordable again and less crowded.


my tip, after living there for 10 years, you have to want to live there.

If you WANT to live in NYC, it will be the best place you've ever lived. If you don't, you will hate it and everyone in it.


Pause Mexican restaurants give out chips and salsa in other states? man what a luxury


I was born and raised in Jersey, went to collage in NYC, and lived here ever since graduation. NYC is my favorite place in the world. If u don’t want to live here, it will be hell. If u do want to live here, it will be heaven. It’s that simple.


I moved with a backpack and my important documents, in a year I was able to start college again for free, get an ok job for a college student, go from a ratty apartment to a nice dorm, been with a boyfriend a love who’s family is inviting me to their vegan thanksgiving, and get paid for doing research. I even get my groceries delivered to me. If you can find the opportunities take it.


New Yorker here👋🏾 Queens/Brooklyn raised. What people fail to realize is that NY is an outlier in almost EVERY. SINGLE. WAY. Knowing that from jump should minimize that shock when you get here, which is why your video was helpful. This city is expensive because of supply and demand, it's one of the top travel destinations in the world and people all over have always wanted to live here. It's also a city with finite space to build - Manhattan, Staten Island, Brooklyn & Queens are islands. High demand with comparatively limited stock and developer and landlord greed drives up housing costs, and gentrification definitely hasn't helped. More and more of my friends are moving out when they have children and overall people are migrating from NY state. I have always loved it here, but the cold is getting to me now that I'm older (40s) so I'm trying to find another vibrant city but with warmer weather, ideally near the water.


Coming from someone who just moved to NY, I 100% approved this message! Wish I saw this earlier honestly. I didn’t save that much coming into the city and if you don’t have a enough saved but you need to move, my advise is to get a room for rent and pay on a month by month place until you get a place that suits you, or if you’re lucky, you can stay with family and/or friends and chip in with groceries or rent while you look. Either way, if moving to NYC is something you want to do, even if you’re scared, go for it! You’ll be so happy you did in the end.


Additional tips from a Brooklyn bred life long New Yorker: 1. Family Dollar and Target are THE places to go for good quality & cheap household needs 2. Farmers Markets throughout the city are WAY cheaper and better quality than Wholefoods (Your WELCOME! lol) 3. Limit going out for socializing and opt for hangouts at home, you and your friends/family can take turns hosting game nights/sports nights etc 4. Thrifting in NYC is THE best, you can get great (sometimes brand new!) clothes in places like Goodwill and amazing treasures can be found at flea markets!


I heard so many negatives about NY, but when I moved up here, I found it to be a great experience. I'm doing vlogs now, and have many places to explore and share with others!


Nyc is an acquired taste, it’s not for everyone


The R in R train stands for Rare & Rarely 😂 That’s something no one tells you!


My daughter wants to move to NYC and I sent her a link to this video - thanks for the awesome tips, especially about subletting!


I fucking love that you started with chips and salsa. Love you


So true, I've lived in NYC 5 years also their is no public restroom, no where... Your ass better wear those adult Pampers, because it's impossible to get a public restroom unless your eating at a place that has a restroom in it


Lived in nyc my whole life and it's overrated. It's nice to visit, not to live. Pros and cons everywhere you go but the biggest con in nyc is the cost of living. What you get here versus another state is insane. Sometimes I feel like the quality of life is compromised.
