TRYING 3 NEW MAKE UP LOOKS w/Sockie & Norris Nuts

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Sockie, try doing
1 foundation,
2 concealer under your eyes
3 bronzer
4 concealer on your fourhead and blend into the bronzer ( it makes it not a harsh line )
5 powder under your eyes and under the bronzer on your cheekbones with a lighter shade .
( make sure to only put cream then powder )
7 powder bronzer where you put the liquid bronzer to make sure it stays
8 some powder blush ( smile and put it on wherever the highest point on your cheeks are and blend towards your ear )
9 powder highlights just a bit higher then the blush ( pretty much in the same spot )
10 some eyebrow gel ( start with the back first then whatever’s left use in the front so it’s not too harsh )
11 a bit of the powder bronzer you used on your cheek on your eyes ( use the smaller brush to pat the makeup down, but then get a lil bigger fluffy brush to blend it and just start small circles and get bigger in the outside )
10 some brown mascara ( its not as harsh as black )
11 some lipgloss ❤️
Hope this helped your doing amazing for your first go I was no we’re as good, and it’s all about sticking to it and practising ( you can’t ride a bike the first time you try )


Not to rude but I really wanted to hear sockie speak about her hiking interests at 4:04. Instead someone sped it up. I'm not sure who edited this vlog but if it was sockie, we love your passions and would really like to learn more about them and your aspirations towards them. Please don't think that no one else wants to hear you speak about hiking because we do! ❤


*MAKEUP TIP for Sockie* - You've got lovely skin, you'd be much better off using a tinted moisturiser rather than a foundation (or even skipping foundation/base entirely), that stuff tends to ruin your skin, so if you don't need it (like in your case), best to just skip that step (its becoming more popular to do that, especially for people with great skin - Eg. Asia Monet etc.)

For people aiming to have a natural no makup look, & keeping it minimal: *primer/tinted moisturiser, blush, mascara, lip tint/tinted lip balm/gloss, & a bit of highlight if you want* (can also put a dab of that on your lids if you want), with eyeliner/concealer/ eyebrows optional but not necessary ❤

Hope that helps 🌻 I used to be really into makeup, wore similar amounts/stuff to Naz/Sabre, but learned more about my body/skin what was 'necessary'/expected VS what made it worse etc... This is by far the best way to go about it, truly ❤ Good luck with it all Sock, congrats again on your license! Nearly an adult 🌻




Wait but I actually wanted to hear sockie yapping about the camping 😭❤️


I think sabre should definitely give sockie a makeover, by far I feel like sabre styles her siblings the best. It’s like she knows what the other norris nuts suit and what they don’t look good with. She really did a great job at naz’s make up and did amazing with biggy’s makeover too.


I love how Sockie is finally doing makeup by herself although she is not fond of it! LOVE you all.


If Naz stopped laughing at Sockie and trying to take over, Sockie may actually be able to do her own makeup. Naz can't complain about having to do Sockie's makeup when she's not supportive when she tries to learn.


it honestly must be so confusing for sockie how naz laughs at her photos and her makeup when sockie tries to be independent and do it on her own just like naz asked. Naz is constantly talking about how sockie needs to learn how to do things on her own yet laughs when sockie actually does it?! Naz seemed so frustrated when she had to do sockies makeup, she was never laughing?! We all start somewhere and no one is perfect! Sockie is trying her best to work out how to use makeup just like naz did when she was little. Naz was not just born knowing how to do amazing flawless makeup. If you are seeing this sockie you are doing amazing, keep it up and with lots of practice you will become better at makeup, Always remember to keep being unique!Naz needs to think before her actions a bit more 😓


i want sockie to know that even tho people wear makeup and are interested in makeup, it doesn’t mean she has to be don’t get me wrong if that’s what makes you feel confident go ahead but just know that just because you have different interests to the other nn you are still beautiful and valued as a person at the end of the day beauty is about the insides! Love you sock🩷🩷🩷


Sockie please do a video actually talking about the hiking stuff you love, it would be such a great video. There's no need to speed it up, I know there's so many people and legends who would love to see you do what you love <3


Under an hour


(Omg thanks for 200 likes!)🎉


it’s kinda mean how naz starts to laugh at sockie, even though she’s pressured her to do her own makeup. maybe instead of laughing she could help her.


I’m so proud of Sockie for trying something outside of her comfort zone 😭😭 although it didn’t turn out how you wanted, I think the effort is 10/10 ❤


Here are some tips for you Sockie as a teen girl also just starting out on makeup…

Try using liquid products (like bronzer and blush) first and then on top of it the same products but the dry and powder version. This also makes the makeup look absolutely flawless and it’s longer lasting throughout the day.

Blend the foundation with a brush around your face first then go on top with a lighter colored concealer!!

Try to master filling the eyebrows in! Or if that’s too much for you, you can use an eyebrow lifting gel which helps even them out and pulls the makeup look together.

To contour your nose I recommend using a Tik Tok video to learn. But for the basics, you should use a stick contour to outline the shape/ illusion that you want and blend those lines. Then as you did do Sockie, use a concealer on both nostrils and put some highlight on the tip and bridge of your nose.

To help blending the eyeshadow, I suggest you use concealer as a primer for the eyelid so the blush has a surface to stick and blend on better.

Try using setting spray the powder!! These two tools really help lock in the makeup and create a matte finish.

Overal tip: makeup takes a long long time to perfect and master. Looking back it has taken me a full year to find what products and tricks work best for my face. I’m wishing the best of luck for you girl!!


Omg it is so good to see sockie all grownup. She has changed so much and it is so cute


sockie really resonates with me with her make up journey as someone who grew up as a “tomboy” and never really interested in makeup, finally getting into it at 15 and im still learning how to do things even tho im almost 18!


sockie you don’t need makeup! your so pretty with or without it! (early!)


Sockie you are already look great and no matter what us legends will support you😊


Tips for youu❤❤❤

When doing eye shadow make sure you tap your brush on something to get any extra product off before applying to face
Next when doing blush do the same 👆
Then when nose contouring you don't have to do dots as well and when applying concealer and foundation.
Also with the brush, yes you do swip and with blender you do tapping.
Also when doing contouring on the nose, its with contour not concealer 😂😂
With your concealer don't add too much otherwise you can make your face look cakey.
Try not to use as much foundation.

And last of all.. Don't feel like you have to wear that much makeup, embrace you nature beauty ❤
