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MEPS (Military entrance processing station) is where you will go to process all day and night, take the ASVAB, and finalize your medical review, all before getting sworn in to your military branch then getting shipped to basic! MEPS is a LONG process and I'm glad it is over lol what was MEPS like for you?


Nikko Ortiz
PO Box 74206
Los Angeles, CA 90004

Answer no on literally everything on the medical questionnaire. That is if you want to get in, if not you’ll be medically disqualified.


The biggest thing to keep in mind is that you don’t have to sign anything unless you agree to the terms. They’re trying to get you into the military as quickly as possible so they’re only going to show you what’s available in the next 6 months. If the job you want isn’t available, don’t take what they offer, hold out for your choice.


My MEPS "horror" story:
My recruiter drove me two hours to get to MEPS at 0600 to take the DLAB that my recruiter was told would be at 0800. However, it turned out they no longer administered morning tests, so the next available exam was at 1700. I had to sit in the waiting room for 11 hours, and all there was to do was read a National Geographic magazine and watch the same news stories on the TV every half hour


Thanks for the video. My son went to MEPS earlier today. I've been wanting to know what he's going to be going through. Thanks to all who have or are serving.


My recruiter was completely honest, he straight up said that sniper school and that shit will not be happening 😂. talked about exactly how it you would be and where I’d be.


I only remember two things about MEPS: the physical where we had to duck-walk in our boxers and then the swearing in. However, after that we were taken to the airport where our flight was delayed for like 4 hours. By the time we flew into Georgia and got to Benning it was like 4am and sweet innocent little Murf was like "they're not gonna wake us with everyone else. They'll let us get some sleep and then we'll start later." Wake up was at 5am.


The Nikko voice over apologizing to his grandma 😂💀 but also a good grandson for apologizing ✨


My dad was in the military and I hope to be able to follow his footsteps. Love your content man. Thank for the motivation and funny vids.


Been through meps 8 times now, finally got the green light. Medical records are no longer personal.


My MEPS experience was on point son. My recruiter and I drove from Montana to Spokane, didn’t go to Butte for “reasons”, got to MEPS at like 2-3pm. Took the ASVAB, nailed that shit, and went to the hotel. Because there was an odd number and I was the oldest, by a decade, the lady gave me the room to myself boi!! I’m used to waking up at 03:50 for my civilian job so waking up early wasn’t shit. When I got to MEPS they gave us a short briefing on how the day was going to go. And the Sgt asked who has “1st” on their medical paper. Ya boy had it, they literally had me cut and jump to first in every line cause they knew I’d driven from Montana and wanted me back in the road home asap. The Dr was cool af and I found out I apparently need glasses. Once I passed the medical shit they had me wait for a couple hours to get sworn in. I joined the Montana National Guard so my oath was different from everyone else’s, so again I was by myself when I was sworn in, great for the pictures my girl and mom wanted lol. And now I ship out for Ft. Benning April 18th for Cav Scout OSUT.


I got playfully mocked all day at MEPS for being the only one joining the space force😭, it was a chill day but make friends so the “sit and wait”process is less brutal on you 😂


I was initially slotted for a combat medic spot, but I found out that my recruiter messed up my paper and reporting date at MEPS. I technically went AWOL for two weeks before I even signed the contract. I had ten minutes to choose a different MOS. At that point, I didn’t care anymore, so I just picked whatever was available. Now I’m a nurse in the Army.


I wrote the date wrong at MEPS, and this navy dude said I was the reason he hates his life😂


I enlisted in '99. I spent 14 hours at MEPS. Got there at 0500 and left at 1900. Nurse blew out the vein in my arms during blood draw, almost passed out and my elbow swelled up like a damn grapefruit.


Worst experience I ever had at meps was being cleared for service, being shipped to boot camp from meps, and then later BEING ASSIGNED AT MEPS AS MY DUTY STATION


My favorite part about going to MEPS was meeting a guy who was trying to enter the Marines. He asked what everyone got on their ASVAB, and was confused as to why he only scored a 6 overall.


For those going into the service, basic is better than MEPS. MEPS is 75% waiting. Also, if they dont have the MOS available that you want (it happened to me), wait until it is available if that is the one you are dead set on. I' did not, but I dont regret it, although I never do my actual job lol (Concrete and masonry specialist, 12W)


Only weird experience I had at MEPS was that I swore in with still longish hair in Sept '09 and wasn't going to ship for BCT until Jan '10. Had gotten my hair buzzed after Sept to start going to RSP drills, so when came back to MEPS to ship out, they had to double check my ID because I looked too different from when I swore in.


The worst experience I had a meps was when I was filling out my paperwork and I went into the Marine Corps section. They denied my entry because I went to a special-needs classified class, but what it really was was speech, Ed because IAM, Hispanic and I was learning how to speak English, and they really denied me to the point that my recruiter contacted a sergeant major to blast those mep guys


I didnt tell anyone that I had an ankle fracture back in 2016 and the next day we did medical at Meps, the physician had my medical records already pulled up on the computer. MEPS is actually issuing new standards on lying and shit.
