🔴Noticia - La incidencia de Covid se multiplica por cuatro en un mes
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A las puertas del verano los casos de Covid han aumentado significativamente. Aunque la positividad general es baja, 107 casos por cada 100.000 habitantes. La tasa de ingresos ha pasado de 3,7 casos a 4,2 casos por cada 100.000 habitantes en sólo una semana, por encima de junio de 2021, en plena pandemia. El Ministerio de Sanidad ha recordado esta semana que se tomen las medidas necesarias para proteger a las personas más vulnerables. Muchos síntomas requieren más mascarillas. En Extremadura se recomienda su uso en centros sanitarios. En un mes la incidencia de Covid se ha multiplicado por cuatro a nivel nacional. En atención primaria "a algunos pacientes les pregunto si se han hecho test y me preguntan: "¿todavía existe?", explica la médica Emilia López.Sin embargo, sigue causando muertes, más de las previstas. "No nos podemos olvidar de que pueden fallecer el 8 por ciento de las personas que ingresan", dice el inmunólogo Alfredo Corell. Y los expertos recuerdan la importancia de protegerse si hay síntomas, "de utilizar mascarilla en aglomeraciones y en el transporte público", apunta el epidemiólogo Daniel López-Acuña. Estar muy atentos a los síntomas, que se pueden confundir con alergia. De cara a la próxima temporada, "vacunar a todas las personas vulnerables con las dosis de recuerdo", dice Quique Bassat, epidemiólogo de IS Global. Y recordar que sigue siendo importante saber cuándo tenemos Covid para protegerlos.
As summer approaches, Covid cases have increased significantly. Although the general positivity is low, 107 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. The admission rate has gone from 3.7 cases to 4.2 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in just one week, above June 2021, in the middle of the pandemic. The Ministry of Health has reminded this week that the necessary measures be taken to protect the most vulnerable people. Many symptoms require more masks. In Extremadura its use is recommended in health centers. In one month the incidence of Covid has multiplied by four nationwide. In primary care, "I ask some patients if they have been tested and they ask me: "Does it still exist?" explains doctor Emilia López. However, it continues to cause deaths, more than expected. "We cannot forget that 8 percent of the people who enter may die," says immunologist Alfredo Corell. And experts remember the importance of protecting yourself if there are symptoms, "of wearing a mask in crowds and on public transportation," says epidemiologist Daniel López. Acuña. Be very attentive to the symptoms, which can be confused with allergies. For the next season, "vaccinate all vulnerable people with booster doses," says Quique Bassat, epidemiologist at IS Global. It is important to know when we have Covid to protect them.
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As summer approaches, Covid cases have increased significantly. Although the general positivity is low, 107 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. The admission rate has gone from 3.7 cases to 4.2 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in just one week, above June 2021, in the middle of the pandemic. The Ministry of Health has reminded this week that the necessary measures be taken to protect the most vulnerable people. Many symptoms require more masks. In Extremadura its use is recommended in health centers. In one month the incidence of Covid has multiplied by four nationwide. In primary care, "I ask some patients if they have been tested and they ask me: "Does it still exist?" explains doctor Emilia López. However, it continues to cause deaths, more than expected. "We cannot forget that 8 percent of the people who enter may die," says immunologist Alfredo Corell. And experts remember the importance of protecting yourself if there are symptoms, "of wearing a mask in crowds and on public transportation," says epidemiologist Daniel López. Acuña. Be very attentive to the symptoms, which can be confused with allergies. For the next season, "vaccinate all vulnerable people with booster doses," says Quique Bassat, epidemiologist at IS Global. It is important to know when we have Covid to protect them.
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Noticias en directo de el Mundo, última hora, España, Andalucía, y Málaga.
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