Unboxing Cryptoys MOTU Characters! Experience the fun and mystery of a new way to collect He-Man

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Scott Toy Guru Neitlich from Spector Creative unboxes new Cryptoys MOTU characters and tries out the new way to collect and play with He-Man characters.

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No wonder the NFT market is on life support


That is the most 3-eyed "Trap Jaw" I've ever seen.


Will there be hats?
So I looked at this a little bit and think it may have an issue being 2 things at once: an on-line kids collection/game and a NFT environment.
As a parent who bought Funkeys, Neopets, Webkinz, and some TF2 keys, I’m ok with a little “virtual only”. Unfortunately $40 is past what I’d consider for a kids virtual blind box (I’m gen-x too old for NFTs). Another minus with game purchases was figuring out that a full set of skylanders was ~280. If it retails below what collectible card booster packs are at (also random), it may fly.
Now, if the actual game play builds out to be a repeatable experience, it may be something.
The owner was on Mega Jay Retro last night and came across as a genuinely decent guy. Maybe they can build something fun out of it and make a little history.


Another official way to play as MOTU, Rec Room’ to Bring He-Man Avatars in ‘Masters of the Universe’ Event...


i don't think the comment section is going quite as well as hoped....


Meh; show me the Sorceress, Glimmer and and THEN we'll type. :P


Idk, Scott…. Not sure this is gonna catch on. I hope so for the brands sake. I just have my doubts. Great video though!


Sorry, not interested in these unless they are Physical Figures. They are Cute, Cool, and Collectable as Physical Figures only!!


Oh great now your supporting loot boxes directed at kids..

You should be criticizing this not profiting from scamming little kids.

If these were actual sized looking masters toys come to life and can be used it would be different but, this is clearly marketing at kids with these designs.


Have you ever played any of those games where you can get skins and characters and collect them? Well this is the same but without the playing part


it's not sponsoring, this is just a blatant commercial.


More of this? Come on man. Nobody wants to see you go down this path. At least you outright stated they were sponsoring you this time and even said you got the boxes you opened gifted for free. These are $40 random loot boxes for a game that doesn’t exist yet and can be rug pulled at any time.


One of the co creators was on Mega Jay Retro's livestream and he openly admits that this is just trying to cash in on the success of blind bag toys only without physical property gathering dust once interest has been lost. I've never seen a blind bag toy cost this much and the design choice to block off the ability to display the "figure" in the "package" after "opening" them is painfully obvious greed expecting collectors to spend till it hurts to maybe get two of the same rare figure so they can keep one mint on card (I feel dirty saying that about an NFT) and one to play with once the game they are supposedly developing comes out.

Who else but the wealthiest Gacha game players are going to plunk down hundreds of thousands of dollars for something that doesn't exist and yet supposedly commands high value on the secondary market?


I don’t care for this at all
This is a pass for me. Not fun at all.


NFTs are DOA. There's no value cause they are basically selling you nothing. Also 40 bucks is a pretty laughable price tag .


This is Skylanders, Disney infinity, and three other games. All died due to lack of interest over time. This game will not last more than a year. You don't have to believe, just sit back at wait.


"A Whole New Breed of NFT!" /facepalm
Okay so this is the same concept as Skylanders, LEGO Dimensions and what ever Disney's version was. Minus the toy/figure that was required for you to play...
And its an NFT, There is a hate for NFT's in the population right now.
It is very rare that I find myself wanting to boycott anything Motu. Maybe if they where selling real world figures that wont vanish when this fails.


This is awful. Just plain awful. I usually like the videos you post here, but promoting NFT garbage is just so out of touch for you, considering the fact your channel appeals to people who like collecting toys, which are, you know, physical, tangible items...


It's videos like this that put my cursor over the unsubscribe


The fact that I can't put this figure in my pocket is just... sad.
