I had a dream about another virus coming: I had this dream in April 2024. You need to see this again

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📬 Brandon Biggs
11063-D South Memorial Dr., #531
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Hey family please pray for me. I had a bone marrow biopsy waiting on results. Please pray for me i have 2 little sons to take care of. Thank you all. ( Update.. my bone marrow biopsy showed no indication of blood related cancers.. I just want to thank the Lord Jesus and everyone who prayed for me 🙏 God is good)


I awoke from sleep hearing the spirit say “ the only way to survive is to rely on Jesus” this may be why I heard that.


I didn't fear COVID and I will not fear anything coming Jesus is my Lord saviour


We are in divine health, no virus/plague will come near our dwelling


I want to hear the voice of Jesus pray for me


Don't forget that we can block things from happening through prayers. So I'm getting more vitamin D, and Zinc, but I will also be praying against this daily. Thank you.


PRAY psalms 91 and 23 each day outloud.


I remember before covid hit and even before we knew it was coming our father in Heaven showed me to begin preparing. When covid hit I had bunches of toilet paper at home and enough food to sustain me that I didn't have to worry about getting what I needed at the store. I was living in Western New York state at the time. Later I planned on moving out of New York State and our heavenly Father showed me not to settle on the east coast. My wife and I had moved into Eastern Tennessee but then later the father showed me to move further west. We moved again and we were unaffected by the hurricanes. We had some winds and rain but nothing intense. He has shown me recently again to stock up well. So I would say that your video is timely. People need to listen and take heed.


43 monkeys have escaped a lab in South carolina. Maybe a test run of things to come?


Dear Lord please protect the entire world's health. Do not let the elites win


Lord please protect us. Do not let this happen. I plead the blood of Jesus


Many prophets have prophesied this same thing.

My mom operated in the prophetic, and she prophesied the same thing you are saying a few years ago (during Covid) before she passed.

The Lord told her that this coming virus would be way worse and entire families would be wiped out because of this new virus.

God have mercy on us. We all need to pray and fast because His return is SOON!!


I’m working on the prayer video for today right now


Please pray for my son and his family, wife and five kids. Their house burned down today. They all got out and are fine but everything was destroyed. Didn't even get coats and it's winter where they live. Thank you all for your prayers.


Stock up everyone . Be prepared and keep your loved ones in your prayers . Keep Europe in your prayers .


I’ve been feeling an urge to have food and supplies in hand. The lord is guiding me


We need to bind together and pray against the plan of the enemy.


Hi Brandon
Yes the Lord told me in 2019 a storm was coming. He has whispered this again to me more recently. We have moved into the country on a little farm that God will expand. We finally did this because of an unshakable burden in my heart that we needed to do this in order to feed my family and others. We now have chickens and working on getting settled. Waiting for the spring to plant the biggest garden we can handle. Please keep telling people to prepare! I know without a doubt God was pressing us to get out of Indianapolis and We are so much happier: finally obeying to leave. We had family we left but I wanted to be able to feed them we had to go. Love ya and keep it up! You both encourage me so much. P.S not to linger here but I have had so much pain for over 5 weeks w disk 4-7 pressing on my spinal cord. Please pray, it’s too much for me to handle most days. Love ya all. Peace! In Him


" Father; put a hedge around our nation on every side, as we give you Glory, honor and praise !"


Psalms 91. The Lord protects us. Thank you Lord
