Tears of the Kingdom sucks now

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i still need nintendo to give us a damn open world closed dungeons game. its that simple


I'll never forgive totk for the amount of times it tricked me into thinking that something interesting was finally going to happen.


The "Zelda Cycle", "Sonic Cycle" and "Star Wars Cycle" are natural byproducts of people having time to critically evaluate media after their honeymoon phases wear off. While TotK is a blast to play for the first 5-6 hours, eventually the cracks in the gameplay loop begin to show and the story becomes more questionable the more you mull it over. It's only natural to compare games and movies to their predecessors and determine what was done better and what wasn't, so I always find it a bit strange when people claim that these types of "Cycles" are odd or unnatural. There's still tons of people out there who love TotK and sing its praise, but of course more negativity will eventually arise the more time people have to properly analyze it.


screw the zelda cycle, i already hated Tears of the Kingdom back in may 2023 😎


It's not a case of "Zelda cycle" here. The hype for TOTK died down pretty quickly when people started playing it and realized that it's a kind of "soft reboot". Nintendo decided that things from the previous game had magically disappeared (according to the devs themselves), and basically created the same experience again, without building anything significant on top of the previous game (by the way, it's the player's responsibility to build things in the game).


Istg for every TotK content I see, it's gonna be "Totk is bad" "new zelda sucks" "botw was cool"


I find it amazing that a lot of people have gotten tired of the open air Zelda when there’s only been 2 games that use it in comparison to the 5 games that use the traditional formula (not including the 2D games like ALTTP that also has a similar formula) but I think I may have a theory as to why. Zelda games have always been unique in comparison to other games, they’re not quite RPGS their not quite Adventure games their not quite 3D puzzle games. All of it was combined to make Zelda a very unique genre, and while BOTW and TOTK have Zelda elements they’re easily considered as open world games similar to RDR, GTA, Elden Ring, etc. there are so many open world games that it’s far easier for Open Air Zelda to feel tired. Funny enough if and when the series finally merged to two formulas, it should still feel like a Open word game but more importantly it will feel like a Open world ZELDA game. If that makes sense


I think I’m one of the few who played hundreds if not thousands of hours of Botw (to the point of 100% everything) who liked Tears of the kingdom just as much if not more. You could say it’s because it feels like dlc but honestly TOTK is Botw with more stuff and cooler things to do, better dungeons, story and bosses and more to explore. Sure the exploration I got from Botw May never be topped but TOTK just feels like the definitive Botw imo. Honestly the only reason I would recommend people to play Botw first before TOTK is if they are a casual gamer who would be overwhelmed by TOTK, or if they are somebody who likes character and story, and the events of bot could ad more weight to the events of TOTK, but even then I can just tell them to watch the cutscenes then play TOTK


I hate people disregarding my criticism of the game by going "Zelda cycle" I have never once disliked a zelda game for ripping off another one, I have never hated a zelda game for having a badly written story that can spoil itself, I have never hated a zelda game for having two thirds of its content be trivial garbage. On top of all this they did NOT bring dungeons back. TOKT is a disapointment and it's not some magical cycle, it's just a very long game and it took a while to realise this was "it"


Youtubers making up terms like ''Disappointing Masterpiece'' like they raised their expectations too much and are shocked when the game isn't pure perfection.


0:04 exept wind waker where the exact opposite happened


Okay hear me out: New zelda game world is BotW style, dungeons are traditional and (mostly) linear. Story is traditional style cause new story style SUCKS.


Playing TOTK first day blind was one of the best gaming experiences I've ever had. It was just better BOTW


Wind Waker was violently hated on release. This supposed "Zelda cycle" is a Twilight Princess and younger phenomenon.


my biggest issues are:
- most fusion weapons and shields are ugly af. they only work for their mechanics; there should be a good balance of aesthetic and mechanic.
- it completely butchers the lore that every other game in the series worked incredibly hard to build. Might as well have just started a completely new series.
- repetitive gameplay; The bane of interest in a game
- dungeons are incredibly bland(in botw as well). One of the things that i found incredibly charming about the “classic” games (like oot, mm, etc.) were the unique visuals, soundtracks, and bosses in each dungeon. the more modern games… really lack that kind of difference.


Tears had so much potential I feel like. Nintendo could’ve made it so much cooler if they would’ve learned how to make the game have an actual progressing story. Don’t get me wrong I loved Ganon in totk, but if he was actually doing stuff in Hyrule instead of sitting underground waiting, it would’ve been so much better. I wish they would make link relatable too, like link in twilight princess was perfect and is still my fav version. I rlly wanted totk to have new towns, or new music choice since it was in the same map. If Nintendo would just listen some times, and actually think about how to make a good story for an open world game, totk could’ve been soooo much better. There’s also so many story problems, many wondered why caves and wells, and sky islands randomly appeared while all Nintendo said was “because of the upheaval” they could’ve explained it way more and just using the upheaval as an excuse every time doesn’t work.


I still think the game is incredible, also the motion controls at least aren’t forced on you. Then again, tears is the first Zelda game that I’ve really loved. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good story (I’m a big Dragon Quest fan), but freedom and exploration is something I need to some extent (hence why I hadn’t been into Zelda before). Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.


It’s not just a cycle on Zelda. It’s in pretty much every gaming franchise. The Pokémon fandom is particularly infamous. Remember how when Scarlet & Violet released, it was canned for its glitches and Sword & Shield was cut some slack DESPITE them being hated shortly after they released back in 2018? It even extends way back to Pokemon Gen V; which myself and others initially found boring, but now is well-loved


When I first played the game, I immediately knew I liked botw better.


As someone whose first Zelda game was Wind Waker, whose original favourite Zelda game was Twilight Princess, and who had played every 3D Zelda game before BotW came out, I really like the open air formula and hope that the Zelda team continues to improve it. My biggest issue with TotK (which I think is a wonderful game btw) wasn't that it was open air but that it reused the map from BotW which made exploration not as fresh (although the caves were fantastic). Had the game taken place entirely within the sky (and by extension had more sky islands) or in a new land, I would probably have almost zero issues with it.
I would hate to see the Zelda team drop or entirely change the open air Zelda formula akin to what BotW did with the traditional 3D Zelda formula when we're only two games into it as opposed to five. The open air formula is not what made TotK feel stagnating, it's that it reused the world of BotW which made it feel stagnating
