Holiday Giveaway & Health Update 5 Years Later After My Hysterectomy

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Hi Friends! Today is my update 5 years after my total hysterectomy. I'm answering your questions and giving you personal updates. Also, a year-end Holiday Giveaway with TONS of Beauty and Lifestyle Products!

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Facebook groups:
- Surgical Menopause Support Group (No HRT) on Facebook
- Women’s support group for menopause:

#Hysterectomy #Endometriosis #Update #5YearUpdate
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Thank you for this video. Sometimes I feel lonely about the struggle that I went through with my hysterectomy due to endometriosis. It's validating knowing I'm not alone in it❤


I belive there is a huge need for information. A podcast would benefit so many. ❌️⭕️


Therapy has been amazing for me. I am grateful every day that I made that decision. ❌️⭕️


Your hysterectomy series helped me understand what my sister was going through and it continues to help me be a better sister everytime you speak on it. I love when you speak about these type of things. I love listening you talk about life. I enjoy your perspective and your resilience.


Happy belated birthday my gorgeous friend. Sorry I’m late. I had a hysterectomy around same time as you because of endometriosis as well. I miss ur content in that and so happy ur talking about it again. I still have ur wonder beauty palette if you got a P.O. Box. lol. By the way just wanted to share I got married on the 5 th of this month( 2days ago). Just wanted to share with my friends. ❤❤❤❤


Love how candid you are about your health journey and the challenges you’ve faced along the way. Thank you for sharing. 🥰


Girl I've been threatening for years to ask the dr to remove mine. I had a nurse tell me I should go to her dr to see if I have endo bc every month is like I'm giving birth again with my contraction like cramps & the amount I bleed. I just want menopause to hit so I can stop feeling pain so much, emotions that are out of control & 2 cycles a month. The HRT is what makes me hesitate bc idk how my body will react to it. But this video is talking about the things most women don't discuss, so hats off to you for starting the conversation. ❤


My mom had a total hysterectomy at 28. She felt better than ever. She had 2 children and adopted 2. I was one of the lucky ones who was adopted. She had been so sick. It was her best decision. ❌️⭕️


Happy Birthday Nichole 🎂! Hoping this year is your best one yet!!
Ahhh... hysterectomy time...I had one on June 28th of 2010. Cancer and they found endo in me EVERYWHERE. even on my bowels, all over me!!! 😢 But the cancer pain was hiding it. 😢 So, now that its ALL out and over, and yes i had phantom pains as well.
Oh Boy baby girl, youve been thru a lot lately. This is interesting!!! Loving this more vulnerable side of you 💓
You're lucky that youre not in menopause yet!!! Im here for you when it does it. Because of the cancer im not allowed to take any hormones, so have been in surgical menopause since 2010.
It doesn't age you. Im still my high school weight (ok, maybe an extra 10 lbs; in the tummy) I DO have osteoporosis however. 😢 Had surgery at 35. Am having bladder issues but my bladder has not dropped, its more muscle issues. I'm 50-parts are going to start showing signs of wear. 😅 I'm on meds for it now. I have really bad insomnia but refuse to go on meds for it. Im really hyper anyways so just get my studying done for school during the night hours. 😅 It works.
Omgosh i felt like i wouldn't be a woman ♀️ after surgery. But i DO.... TODAY I FEEL MORE WOMAN THAN EVER BEFORE. Because I have grown and understand on such a deeper level 🙏🏾 what that is.
Wow, your womans group sounds amazing!!!!😮 😍 Good for you!!!! ☺️
Here's to another good 5 years post op Nichole!!! Take care of you!!! 💕😘


Great Video, as a woman now in my 60’s women my age suffered a lot because of the stigma. Docs don’t always listen and I feel we are still a long ways away but we are heading in the right direction. Ask a lot of questions even if the docs are annoyed, don’t stop if you’re not satisfied with their answers . Sometimes you have to switch docs. Thanks for sharing.


I am recently into scents too. I have been getting a lot in makeup boxes and joined the monthly box Scentsy to try new scents cheaply. I have been really happy with most scents or my daughter is. Yes we share.


I had my hysterectomy 2 years ago. Your video ended up helping me make my decision. I appreciate you being so open about your personal life.


I had my hysterectomy on my 40th birthday. Best decision of my life! Now at 54, I struggle a bit with sex drive. I have never taken hormones and am on meds for depression and anxiety. My husband doesn’t understand that my meds and the surgery play a roll in sex drive. Having him go to Dr appointments with me has helped. Everyone is different but you are never alone. ❤


This has been a great conversation. Have a wonderful weekend ❌️⭕️


I am 54 and went through menopause four years ago now. I didn’t have wild mood swings you sometimes hear about, thank goodness. That could be due to the fact I am on meds for my depression & anxiety. Who knew that would be a good thing for once!
I have noticed a change in my hair for sure. I have a lot of hair, and it's thick but I feel like it's thinning in the front now. Not a fan, but it is what it is!
Please enter me in your giveaway. And I have followed you on Insta forever now. ❤


Beautiful ❤❤❤❤ I had my hysterectomy December of 2019. I feel so much better now that the issues were solved


My hysterectomy was due to hormones and having my menses 357 days out of a year. I have a tubal ligation and a hormonal IUD was tested to regulate things, and didn't. I love this content. You are real and we relate to you. I still have my ovaries. The forum hyster sisters helped so much. One of my grooming clients recommended it to me prior to my surgery.


Hi Nichole. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. Hope you had a wonderful birthday thank you for sharing your little trips on IG. Love ya girly! Wow, very generous with your goodies. Thank you for all you do for us on your channel 💕🎄


I appreciate this video, especially the mental health aspect of it. ❤


Such a good video! Thank you for sharing, Nichole!
