100 Abbreviations and Acronyms related to Nuclear Physics Part 1

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This video will show you the Abbreviations and Acronym related to Nuclear Physics.

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#NuclearPhysics, #Abbreviations, #Acronyms

AGN - Active Galactic Nucleus

BCA - Binary Collision Approximation

CSR - Coherent Synchrotron Radiation

NP - Dynamic Nuclear Polarization

EDM - Electrical Discharge Machining
SSM - Standard Solar Model

PIXE - Particle Induced X-ray Emission

CID - Collision Induced Dissociation

QHD - Quantum Hydrodynamics

ERD - Elastic Recoil Detection
UNILAC - Universal Linear Accelerator

SEMF - Semi-Empirical Mass Formula

ECR - Electron Cyclotron Resonance

AMD - Antisymmetrized Molecular Dynamics

RIA - Rare Isotope Accelerator
FCC - Future Circular Collider

ILC - International Linear Collider

CGC - Color Glass Condensate

PGNAA - Prompt Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis

EIC - Electron Ion Collider
IMRT - Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy

RBE - Relative Biological Effectiveness

PNC - Parity Nonconservation

CLIC - Compact Linear Collider

HILAC - Heavy Ion Linear Accelerator
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