ICE Acting Director Can't Say Separating Families Is Humane

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The Acting Director of ICE can't bring himself to say that separating families is humane, yet he insists on defending this horrifying policy.
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This just goes to show you, voting matters.


Our entire immigration policy is horrible, separating families like this is horrible.
I personally feel a good policy would involve taking their prints, pictures, dna, description, etc. If they are seeking asylum house them humanely and process them as quickly as possible. If asylum is denied: if they came through a legal port give them the opportunity to leave on their own accord. If they are being deported on their first offense, and it'd be the 2nd illegal re-entry they'd get jail time, and if children are involved, parents will have the option of contacting a relative in their native country to take custody of the child, or the child put in a foster home until their release, with proper contact with their parent(s) to minimize their emotional trauma. Only time children should be fully separated is if they are in danger (either abusive parents, or being trafficked). Also, those who entered under a certain age, who either were alone or been here for a period of time should be granted citizenship. Reason for that is their native country is not the culture they were raised in and they'd be more foreign in their birth country than here, and forcing them to return would be inhumane (they'd not know the culture and in many cases, not know the language).


"I was just following orders" out of touch monster


This guy couldn't pass a 7th grade math test. He's perfect for law Enforcement.


This is the dumbest question. No one knows when someone comes across the border with a child if in fact that child belongs to the person they are with or that child could be a child trafficking victim


Nerenburg trails. Just following orders. Just enforcing the law.


Blitzer is such a wuss. He said "It may be the law; It's the policy, but is it humane" once. He should have said that every time he gave that BS "it's the law" "answer"


Yes, because trying to give your child a better, safer life is inhumane..
