You CAN do this in Your Own Tiny Backyard! (Touring A 12-YEAR-OLD Florida Food Forest)

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Roughly 12 years ago, I helped create this backyard Florida food forest. Though it is not actively managed for production, it is still a beautiful and productive system!

In this South Florida food forest, we are growing mangoes, starfruit, tropical greens, small fruits and nuts as well as medicinal plants. We're also building soil in what was terrible sand. You can grow food in Florida if you plant the right plants - and South Florida is particularly productive! Create your own Florida food forest today and turn grass into a garden of Eden! If we did it on a limited budget and are harvesting lots of food with very little work, you can do it too! Starting a food forest is easy, and you can read my books and watch my videos to learn how. This is Florida gardening on the easy setting!
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That is exactly what I'm trying to do in south Mississippi I'm about 30 minutes from the Gulf Coast but I'm finding out the hard way what can't take the small freezes that we get so I've lost a few trees but im also growing what nobody else has around my area and its so wonderful i would recommend food forests to anyone


So I was told by a friend in Georgia with a nursery that citrus should be UNDERSTORY and in dappled light I moved mine into morning sun and all day dappled light through an oak and the leaves doubled in size within a week.


I got my son to drop his huge load of landscape clipping in my yard last week. It looks rough, but I am hoping it will break down into some sort of usable have even resorted to chopping at my friends houses and lugging home to drop. I love your books and channel. Thank you for sharing how to grow on this swfl sandbar!!!! Although I must admit to killing my two Seminole pumpkin seedlings....I started them late and didn't realize full sun...doesn't mean full florida sun....trial and error, learning to steward God's green earth🙏🌎🌱


You've set a wonderful example of the smart way to grow food without fuss. Not without failure, which every garden suffers, but with more production and no waste. My Fetid Swap Water is ready and I'm about to water my plants with it. There's a wicked irony in using the weeds to feed my garden. Makes it harder to hate the nut sedge. Congratulations on the new edition of your book! ~ Lisa


Just beautiful..happy memories4you..youu need2 take a few buckets of this soil home.💚


Beautiful tour. I’m here doing the same in Pompano Beach but my whole yard, front and back. People don’t realize is you can be outdoors in the hot summer heat and you won’t feel the affects because you’re so insulated by all the trees and that also make your house cooler because you’re getting cooler breeze coming in through your window If you have the window open to the Food Forest.


We're about to move to Costa Rica on the caribbean side, so your channel has taken on a whole new meaning to me in the past few weeks! Glad I've been watching for years from Texas


Welcome back south Florida Dave. I am here in South Florida also I would love to have you come by my house and see my food Forest. You would be absolutely amazed of what I have done. There's no yard in my entire neighborhood like mine.


I do so love your tours of this beautiful jungle. It's a wonderful legacy of the work you and your Dad did together.


Awesome video! Sure is good to have all that to eat, especially with the price of everything going up. It's also beautiful landscaping! We love our Florida!🌞🌴


Reading your book and then having the video for the reference really helped bring the vision alive for me David. I am growing a food forest in Michigan & then heading down to Florida for the winter, my aunt is allowing me to convert her backyard to a food forest, not much room but I'm gonna pack it in!


This was fun! Back to the place where an ordinary young man started something incredible. I remember when you showed us the tile projects you did there and everything has grown a lot. One of the amazing things about making a good food forest is how it almost maintains itself and simply grows more food plants.
Thanks for taking us back here and good luck with your book.


I so much love your context and what you do! God Bless Y'all. I'm in the process of retiring-praying God he gives me the strength needed to create a survival food heaven for me and my beloveds. Granny with adult grandchildren... Survival and thriving for the present and future. Love Y'all 🌟


Minute 7... AMEN BROTHER... being a resident of West Miramar, I have battled the horrible grass, dirt and construction debris! I loved this video and wanted to give you a shout out for the inspiration to just grow things! BIG FAN here.


I had an uncle that moved from North Alabama to Pensacola when I was a kid. He would have loved your ideas. He finally solved the problem by moving to North Georgia where he could grow things like in North Alabama,


My dude, this was an amazing video, I felt like you were in my neighborhood.


Love this so much, just starting my own food forest in north Florida


I am grateful for our Food Forest. Thank you for helping us transform our backyard. Miss Dad.


Always nice to see the Great South Florida food forest project thriving! Would also love to see the Great North FL FF as well, if at all possible. Thanks for sharing DtG! 💖✌️😁


Great video. I envy production. I really want to do something similar in The Texas Gulf Coast. Thank you for sharing what can be done give time and the will to do what you have done. God bless America.
