What is the 'Appeal to Heaven' flag reportedly seen at Alito's vacation home?

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Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito is under scrutiny after The New York Times reported Alito's home displayed a second flag used by Jan. 6 protesters. The "Appeal to Heaven" flag has been associated with a push for a more Christian-minded government and opposition to left-leaning politicians. Matthew Taylor, senior scholar at the Institute for Islamic, Christian, and Jewish Studies, joins "America Decides" to unpack the flag's history.

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George Washington and his men flew that flag.


Oh please. You wouldn't take issue if he flew a Palestinian flag, I'm sure.


Tell me it’s a slow news day without telling me.


This flag is a symbol of the founding days of our nation! How is it offensive?
Just because people you don't like used it does not mean it is cause for controversy.
People of ill character use the flag of USA all the time does that make it controversial


Not at all clear that Alito espouses the ideas of Dutch Sheets. Although supporters of Dutch Sheets may have chosen to fly the Appeal to Heaven flag for themselves, they are not the *only* group who flies the flag. And they certainly do not determine what the flag "represents" in all cases. Matthew Taylor's explanation of the meaning of the flag for a certain group of "Christian Nationalists" does not necessarily apply to Alito. Nor does Taylor provide any evidence for a connection. Taylor asks, "What is Alito trying to signal?" Maybe it's the "appeal to heaven" line in John Locke's "Two Treatises on Government", but I suspect the correct answer is "not much of anything". But if CBS and Taylor really want to know, why don't they ask Alito? CBS, you can do better than this. In the future I expect responsible, centrist reporting from you


Sounds like a good case for the Supreme Court


It's his house. He can fly his underwear if he wants.


Not at all clear what the flag represents in this instance, or whether Alito was the household member who chose the flag. (In the real world, to find out you would politely ask the homeowner what he or she *meant* to represent.) The flag predates the Stars and Stripes and has been flown on many different East Coast estates for over 200 years. The fact that a Jan 6 rioter flew one is utterly irrelevant, as you can see numerous American flags in those Jan 6 photos. Should we also associate the American Flag with extremism? Of course not. Because of the constitutional separation of powers, there isn't much the opposition can do when they don't like a Supreme Court ruling. So the opposition resorts to this sort of thing. I can understand why people may not like Justice Alito's or Thomas's rulings. If so, read them carefully, and produce a detailed *legal* critique. Don't drag the Supreme Court into this vacuous political debate. The idea that Alito is "signaling" some sort of solidarity with a present-day right-wing extremist movement is utterly ridiculous. It's a crazy conspiracy theory worthy of Marjorie Greene, or any homeless man suffering from paranoid schizophrenia.


Someone over there on CBS explain to me how this is a bad thing compared to burning and insulting said american flag? This life long Conservative Democrat doesn't understand this 'disturbing' issue and why its an issue at all.


Matthew 4: 8, 9, 10 gives the answer Jesus gave when he was tempted to govern the world.
He felt different about it than some. Christians do


Obviously he's signaling his support for what that flag represents.


god bless america and give courage to the real patriots to save America ❤


Extreme unenlightened evangelists in our face.


Term limits 4 all (TL4A)
House Senate Supreme Court
Electoral college Reform (ECR


Obviously the definition of Christianity has changed quite a bit in the last couple of decades


These people are excellent flag salesmen. In every flag store the flag is sold out now.


Appeal to heaven is in essence saying
"heaven help us"

Heaven is liken to an evergreen tree, always green always in season...

Hosea 14:
I will heal their waywardness. I will love them freely; for my anger is turned away from them.

5I will be like the dew to Israel. He will blossom like the lily, and send down his roots like Lebanon.

6His branches will spread, and his beauty will be like the olive tree, and his fragrance like Lebanon.

7Men will dwell in his shade. They will revive like the grain, and blossom like the vine. Their fragrance will be like the wine of Lebanon.

8Ephraim, what have I to do any more with idols? I answer, and will take care of him. I am like a green cypress tree; from me your fruit is found


send the gestapo to investigate this unorthodoxy


The "Appeal to Heaven" flag, also known as the "Pine Tree Flag, " is an early American flag that features a green pine tree with the phrase "An Appeal to Heaven" inscribed above it. This flag holds historical significance and is associated with the American Revolutionary War.

The pine tree was a common symbol in New England, representing the region's rich forests and the liberty that colonists were seeking.

An Appeal To Heaven: In the context of the American Revolution, it symbolized the colonists' belief that their cause was just and sanctioned by divine providence.

Overall, the "Appeal to Heaven" flag is a powerful historical symbol that continues to resonate with themes of liberty, justice, and divine providence.

A few protesters misused the flag at the Jan 6th event. And so now it has become elevated in significance to a "national disgrace". Why? Because the progressive liberal left wing of the Democratic party wanted to make this a "serious issue" involving a conservative Supreme Court Justice.

They are very good at throwing the American public "curve balls" on important ethical and moral issues which are hidden in the deep and dark corners of our national fabric and institutions. And of course these types of “important social issues” come up out of nowhere and explode onto the news - due to mainstream media. When they see a potential contentious issue, they all jump in and decry how America is turning a "blind eye" to an important social issue that demands an investigation at the very highest levels of government.

For reference purposes, San Francisco first raised the Appeal to Heaven flag, which features a green pine tree on a white background with its titular motto, on June 14, 1964. It was located outside city hall. Flag day is celebrated on June 14th of each year.

The flag was quietly taken down on Saturday 25 May and replaced with an American flag, as reported by the San Francisco Chronicle. Why? Because someone just decided that this flag, which for over 200 years has stood for liberty, justice, and divine providence was now a “renegade” flag. No debating the issue. No talking with the American people, if this was now an evil flag. Two hundred years of history… poof, you’re banned, gone. We do live in strange times.


God made all men equal and gave them the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; (2) the main business of government is to protect these rights; (3) if a government tries to withhold these rights, the people are free to revolt
