Is THIS Nikon’s NEW Z Camera? INSANE Sony a7S III LEAKED Specs?!

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Is this a leak of Nikon's next Z camera? Could it be called the Z50? Some new rumored specs from the Sony a7S III might have been revealed. Fuji readies a Xpro 3 and Pentax is still here doing something. This is your Photo News Fix.


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Who’s reading the comments to see if someone cares about Pentax?


Pentax shooter here. So, yes, I'm another that cares about Pentax. The ergonomics, build quality, and feature set are second to none. What other brand weather seals every camera, flash and provides weather sealed lenses across the entire lineup including kit lenses? What other brand provides at least 2 control dials on every body? What other brand allows you to shoot.... Wait for it... Jpeg but then transform into Jared the FRO mode and save a copy of that Jpeg as a raw file? What other brand has a built in astrophotography gps system that will move the sensor to track stars? Exactly, none. Pentax is a Camera for the rugged outdoors. A no excuses Camera that allows you to focus on getting the shot no matter the environment. And THAT is what matters most.


You can actually use the film simulations to your raw files in Capture one and Lightroom..


"i dont see anything about an EVF" - it says EVF


Jesus Christ...
1) 2:50 Yes, you CAN shoot RAW files with Fuji then apply the film presets in either Capture One or Lightroom.
2) 4:18 Yes, we HAVE "seen 4k60" in several cameras, even full frame. The Panasonic S1H shoots 4k60 and even 6k24
3) 5:12 Yes, the Nikon Z50 DOES "say something about an EVF". It says "EVF" right there on the spec sheet that YOU showed us.


FYI Fuji does have Lightroom film simulations. You can preview with the film sim and write raw files


i just love Dan yelling stuff in the back xd!


Just to point. Fuji already have the presets for the film simulations in lightroom and capture one, you can shoot raw and convert later


Big fan of Pentax.
Pentax is like the “” Doc Brown “” from Back To The Future of camera companies.
I own a KP and it’s a hell of a body.
My main cameras that I shoot with in a daily basis are Fujifilm and Nikon.
The last time I shot my KP was two weeks ago so very recently.


I care about Pentax. Without them, you have no one to really harass and that would make me sad!


Jared, you said the Z50 rumor, you didn't see anything about an EVF. You highlighted everything on that line EXCEPT the three letters that say EVF. Granted, it's still a rumor, but at 5:15 you said you didn't see anything that says it has an EVF, and that seems to be just because you (or someone?) decided not to highlight that part of the post?


I still enjoy shooting with my K1000. Does that count as caring about Pentax?


I care about the old Pentax. Asahi Optical Co. Pentax. 1982 and prior. K-1000 and ME Super, with SMC lenses were what I learned on.😉


I love Pentax. If you shoot astro they have in-body star tracking... no one else does that... it works perfectly too... go Pentax... ok I mean "keep going Pentax!"


I would love to see Pentax stay in biz & start producing more & better products. Not that I own any current models but it is another choice. The Nikon looks interesting as I am about done with Fuji. Of course, it would have to focus accurately & fast.


I care about Pentax in the medium format section like the 645Z and maybe one day its successor with DFA leaf shutter lenses.


I don't own a Pentax, but have considered buying one because of their Astrotracer feature for astrophotography. I wish other brands would do something similar with their IBIS systems. If this new camera was mirrorless, I'd give it a second look.


I care about Pentax, One thing I think is missed is that all the cheaper or similar priced mirrorless FF cameras are 24mp, the Pentax K1 is a DSLR but it is also 36mp FF, all the higher pixel count FF mirrorless cameras are significantly more expensive, (then there is Canon 5D IV and EOS R which have a lower pixel count sensor (30mp) but also more expensive. I am hoping the new camera has a hybrid viewfinder, the fact that there is a dial on the top with with three specific modes that look like mirrored, LV (mirrorless?) and video says to me that 1) There is a set mirrorless mode and a sensor under the viewfinder to switch between a hybrid Viewfinder view and the back LCD, 2) They are taking video more seriously with a dedicated video mode, hopefully with some level of 4K video. This could be an important crossover camera for some people, giving familiar DSLR functionality while moving to mirrorless... and of course no lense adaptor in sight, so you can continue to use all those lenses you have and not feel pressured to go and buy new. I for one am curious as to what they are going to release :) ...but it going to have to be bold to keep them in the game


I still shoot video and photos with my PENTAX.. Yeah people make fun of me all the time I'm used to it


I love my Pentax. Weather sealing, Ibis, flippy screen... Alas... I agree with the Fro and think they will eventually go bye bye. I've been contemplating selling my gear and switching systems but I wouldn't be able to replace what I have for the same money and it all still works really well. I'm torn. 😪
