Goodbye and Good Riddance to Joe Teti

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I'm laughing at you!
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The guys who actually ARE the real deal are the guys who never tell you they are


Dave Canterbury, Matt Graham, and Cody lundin!! All 3! That would be one hell of a show. All 3 were super badasses and all 3 are cool as hell personality wise. Make it happen ppl!!!!


Cody and Dave were the best. I couldn't give a rats ass about Dave's lie on his resume. The newer guys are just too much. show offs.


i ddnt know this about joe teti!!! holy mother... but whilst watching dual survival i did notice something off about joe. seemed to dominating.. jeeez!!!


honestly matt graham was the reason i got into dual survival to begin with, i still think matt is awesome.


Matt Graham is the real deal, that guy is a stud.


My 4 favorite survival instructors are Cody Lundin, Ron Hood, Les Stroud, and Larry Dean Olsen. People Like Joe Teti and Bear Grylis are just showoffs and wannabes. Also I did like Dave. Despite his "lie" on his resume, he still had solid survival chops.


I'd love to see Dave Canterbury and Matt Graham do something together. They both know how tos tick to their own viewpoints while giving other people respect for being man enough to have their own, whether they agree or not.


That part when he kills a pig and then looks around after stabbing it 😂 i knew that guy was off


why the hell did they get rid of Cody who is the real deal! Bring him back.


Memorial Day Weekend 2020- I get a notice someone replied to me on this very old video.
NOTE- This was made 5 YEARS AGO people. Anyone commenting now is late or obsessing.
The man who made this has served, he spoke truth. He was not obsessed, he was attacked.
This was a continuation of his self defense from ongoing physical threats to silence him.
Now that you know his story- anyone attacking him further is either an ignorant fool for stepping into someone else's story with the facts or for defending a known and proven in court liar.
The folks commenting here defending The Survival Charlatan and Special Ops Fraudster
are more paid for profiles, created fakes and solicited attackers as was also proven in court to be a tactic used by the Scam Artist from the TV Show Dual Survival.
NO- He NEVER WENT TO SERE. He lied about that his first minute on TV.
NO- He NEVER SERVED IN COMBAT. He did 3 contract jobs, years after 9/11, was fired from all 3.
NO- He was NEVER FORCE RECON. He passed basic Recon School, failed Scuba, was sent to fleet.
NO- He was never CIA. He worked as a Green Badge Contractor for MVM Project Viper- Security.
NO- He was never a good soldier in the Army and all his leaders said so publicly.
NO- He is not half the things he claims neither is he a good person or role model, IMHO.
NO- His new book isn't true, most stories I know are false or can't be verified, conveniently.
YES- He LIED about 10 yrs Combat- it was only 1 as a contractor only.
YES- He lied about 20 yrs SOF, it was only 8, National Guard, no combat.
YES- He lied about Combat Diver, had a FORGED USMC DD-214 & 2 FORGED S.F. Dive Diplomas.
YES- He was S.F. Qualified, YES he was kicked out of 2 units & quit ours at 9/11, and stole gear.
YES- His lies got him 2 TV shows (DS- Stolen Valor?) And 1 had 3 men die at start of filming!
YES- He sued the Special Forces Community & Yes the SF General proved he was a liar.
YES- His Lundin sued Discovery for Death Threats to him and the crew.
YES- He was allegedly fired for killing dogs and cats on set, then threatening to kill the crew.
YES- There is a Lifetime Protective Order against him for stalking & threatening, like on here & worse.

The bottom line is that no good person lies this much and no normal person has this much ash and trash following them. The overall facts and history prove this out. Anyone who doesn't see hasn't looked. Anyone defending is lacking in integrity and anyone attacking for speaking truth is likely a thug or a fake, but in either case, they are ugly and a fool, IMHO. Don't believe the fake hate here. Peace.


Yes sir. A true Veteran here, sending message to all you blinded by short lived false fame.


This is incredible. the first time i saw him on one of his beginning episodes i got the feeling he was a bit narcissistic and rough around the edges.I felt like the guy only enjoied killing animals!! not for survival but for a thrill.... he was all nice at first, then became bossy and a know it all. i realize i'm late here learning what happened, but i had him and im sure a lot of others did so as well


I think it has to be more than a dog with Joe, because they've killed a lot of animals some necessary and some not, but feels like the dog was the last straw. Glad of it, both Dave and Joe were liars about their resumes, but Dave was better chill with Cody, Joe was too high strong. would like to see Cody do something else though.


Yep Cody shouldn't have gone they should've got rid of Joe straight away.


He blocked me from showing up at his local appearance


I thought Joe was a good addition to the show. How come you have it in for Joe? Do you personally know him? Did you serve with him? Just wondering.


I just found your page & I have to agree that the day Dual Survival was cancelled was a JOYOUS day in the demise of Teti!!!


Anybody who's gotta talk about what a badass they are...aint


That show died when they fired Cody. Now we know why Cody was so stressed out working with Joe. Cody is such a mellow passive guy, but you know what.... He stood his ground. He didn't let Joe push him around. Poor Matt Graham let Joe do whatever he wanted, and how many times did Joe insinuate that Matt was a gay beta male. I couldn't even watch last season.
