My First Day at IIT | IIT Kharagpur

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Hello everyone
this is all about MY COLLEGE IIT KHARAGPUR in full detail.I have tell all thing which will helpful for you.So keep watching and enjoying it.
Hello Everyone
This is Himanshu Shekhar. I am from a small village of Varanasi. I was begin my journey from a very poor background.
Currently i am doing B tech from IIT Kharagpur. I am also want to travel whole world and meet the people and help them. It is very tough to visit or make vlogs while Studying in IIT. But my passion and dedication never makes me tired.
If you want to know my journey from a very poor background to a Top class IIT and willing to see every corner of the world through a Software Engineer you can join me.
You can also help me in my Journey and want to see more Education and IIT related vlog.
It was almost impossible to from poor 0 level to great level. So I will also guide those poor who have no money to afford to study in such a prestigious level.
For Personal Tips, Personal Talks, Personal Help etc..--You can Contact me by Click on Join button. There i will take your all concern personally.
Heartly Thanks.....
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iit guwahati campus tour
a day in the life at iit
iit roorkee
iit delhi
this is all about MY COLLEGE IIT KHARAGPUR in full detail.I have tell all thing which will helpful for you.So keep watching and enjoying it.
Hello Everyone
This is Himanshu Shekhar. I am from a small village of Varanasi. I was begin my journey from a very poor background.
Currently i am doing B tech from IIT Kharagpur. I am also want to travel whole world and meet the people and help them. It is very tough to visit or make vlogs while Studying in IIT. But my passion and dedication never makes me tired.
If you want to know my journey from a very poor background to a Top class IIT and willing to see every corner of the world through a Software Engineer you can join me.
You can also help me in my Journey and want to see more Education and IIT related vlog.
It was almost impossible to from poor 0 level to great level. So I will also guide those poor who have no money to afford to study in such a prestigious level.
For Personal Tips, Personal Talks, Personal Help etc..--You can Contact me by Click on Join button. There i will take your all concern personally.
Heartly Thanks.....
My Instagram
iit kharagpur
life at iit kharagpur
iit kharagpur campus life
iit kharagpur campus tour
iit bombay
iit bombay campus tour
iit kanpur
iit guwahati
iit guwahati campus tour
a day in the life at iit
iit roorkee
iit delhi