How To Sing High Notes

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In this video, I help you to understand how to get to notes that you may believe are beyond your capabilities. Come along and I'll show you how to take the steps to get you there!

How To Sing High Notes

Since the dawn of modern singing, it seems as though the world has become obsessed with "hitting the high note".

But I think we need to take a closer look at why this is difficult and what else is involved in hitting this high note consistently and accurately.

What is incredibly overlooked is that building strength in the middle voice before the high note is the very foundation that helps us hit that high note over and over again with consistency.

In other words, a famous opera tenor named Caruso once said: "The deeper the roots, the taller the trees".

His point is that you must have that high note anchored in something that can sustain it.

Turns out that building stamina in the middle voice with confidence gives you not only the ability to buttress or "hold up" that high note, but the confidence to relax the body enough to hit that high note without strain or stress.

And the more we strengthen our voices from the ground up, the more consistency we have in hitting those high notes over and over.

I have a whole huge section on this in my singing course.

Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy, where the PROOF is in the SINGING!

Learn how to sing better for beginners, all the way to learning advanced PRO vocal techniques. Increase vocal range and become a better singer than you ever thought possible! Check out Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy and see what the possibilities really are!

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Oh, yeah! And here's some news some of you may be interested in:
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#HighNotes #HowToSingHighNotes #HowToHitHighNotes #HowToSing
Рекомендации по теме

3:28 WOW, can we just talk about how effortlessly he sang through 3 OCTAVES right there?? The proof is in the singing indeed! And Ken is one hell of a singer!


This guy deserves the internet's top award.

Its not just that he teaches, speaks well, is clearly respectful and eloquently open-minded, and knows music and how to explain it - its that there's a heart behind his demeanor and presence...

Many blessings


Ken is an awesome singer and teacher, and a true gentleman and scholar - if every singing student had a teacher half as good as Ken the world would truly sing in perfect harmony.


8:06 - 11:30 Once again Ken, you've done it again. Thank you for your help. I've grown as a singer by taking your video lessons.


I once dropped a 5kg dumbell on my foot, that was the day i discovered my true singing High notes voice.


Thanks a lot Ken. My neighbor knocked on my door and asked if I was okay. (I was singing along with you) So I explained that I’m okay, I’m doing a voice exercise with my vocal instructor. That changed her attitude right away. She saw my guitar hanging on the wall and said, “Wow, so you’re a musician then?” (She’s new our building) Everyone else knows I try to keep my singing at a low volume and my guitar through an amp and headphones. I said, “Yes, I’ve been a musician for over forty years and now I’m learning to sing from the best teacher I know. Sorry to bother you.”
She nodded, “That’s so cool. Keep doing your thing. My name is Wendy.” (I told her my real name) “I know vocal exercises sound like a crazy person sometimes, and this apartment building is full of crazy people, so I understand your concern. I’m fine. Really.”
Anyway, you got me in trouble again with the voice exercise thing, but it’s all good. I made a new friend who thought I might need an ambulance.
I think I’ll plug in my guitar and headphones for a couple hours of silent practice and do my singing on the barges where I can go full volume and not disturb my neighbors, who are mostly fish.
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving Day and thanks again for your incredible voice lessons. You’re the best, man.
Aloha from Seattle.🤙🏼


I have always been a fan of you Ken. This is a wonderful demonstration. I studied voice for four years doing all classical singing and as you say the proof is in the singing. Good technique is good technique no matter what style of music. My first teacher took time to show me the anatomy of the muscles and moving parts in our bodies that are used with the voice. There are no short cuts and I love the point you make about giving the voice a foundation for high note (not hit, but place). Now, I am a songwriter/performer in Americana/folk-rock and use these techniques all of the time in my own music with a foundation in studying voice for four years. You know you anatomy of the voice and I continue to learn and grow from you, Ken. Thank-you for the great lesson.


Dude! You add the science to the art! Years ago, I was told by a pro singer to never sing beyond my range. This lesson debunked that myth. I'm gonna work at this.


You're right about other coaches on high notes. I was taught so much about head register, and dealt with the embarrassing passaggio hiccup. Broke free from that, and now following your lead, and sounding much better for it.


I have been watching your videos for about a month now and been practicing to the best of my ability and I noticed my voice steadily improving to the point of accidentally yawning a clear and oddly beautiful note at work, I can't wait for your next set of videos and hope to join your singing course by Christmas time as a present for myself.


I started performing when I was 10 or so. I could sing ANY high I stopped performing about age 40. I stopped performing totally. AMAZING, in about 3 months, something happened to me which usually happens to boys at about age 12; my voice dropped. Considerably. As time has went by, my throat muscles had atrophied to where my range was severely restricted. I now have a great, deep no range. Finding this video in my late 60's (as I once again re-enter the performing world) has been a Godsend to me. It brought back all those excercises I had in college as a music major and reminded me that everything is about musclature and of course, that old saying: "If you don't USE it, you LOSE it.". I'm taking these exercises to heart and even after a short period of time and finding an amazing recapture of some of my expectations of building back a good performing range. Thanks so much for sharing this. I'm now a subscriber and will check out all your other videos. I owe you a big one for this.


I don't want to sound cheesy but i freaking prayed to find a channel like this. Music is my whole thing and im a vocalist as a personal passion. I dont do much with it but ive been taking my singing seriously for a few years, for no real reason other than that its what i want to do, just for sake of doing it. I am a 30 year old woman and my range is not of the typical feminine but I thrive in the 80s glam rock. No other channel has truly provided what I have needed, by teaching, examples, and most importantly, my type of voice and range. I cant believe I stumbled upon this.


Ken cracks me up. He basically does 15 minute video without and edits except when he needs his guitar. Nothing says amateur like edits every 30 seconds. The BEST vocal coach period.


I have always been amazed at the range and tone you have been able to sing with. You have this ability to be both singing very high notes while also maintaining a vocal tone that sounds deep. It's like you're using your chest voice and your head voice at the same time. You and David Coverdale were the only rock singers I have ever heard that could pull this off.


Thank you brother - that came at just the right time. Seriously, I'm mixing a song, and the only thing missing is the note I can't hit without nearly passing out! ha ha This is perfect! I've been singing my entire life, and I have found the psychological aspects to be incredibly interesting. I realised something was strange at the beginning when I could sing great on my own, but was hopeless in front of anyone. SInging is good for the soul no matter how you sing.


12:21 cracked me up. You are a well rounded teacher. Funny, informative, genuine, entertaining, skilled and just cool in general.


True story: I bought Ken's course a couple years ago.
I now play in a "working" band. We play range of music including Foreigner (Feels Like The First Time, Hot Blooded), Boston (Foreplay Longtime), U2 (Vertigo) and The Darkness (I believe in a Thing Called Love).
I've had 3 random people come up to me (all at different gigs) and ask me how I sing so well!
One person said "you play until 1am... how does your voice get better as the night goes on?"
I tell them the same thing: Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy!


Ken, I just love you. Part of singing is feeling good about yourself and allowing that positivity to vibrate through you. Even through the video I just feel the love you have for your craft, the belief that anyone can sing and like I am allowed to sing and should be singing. Thanks. I've struggled with high notes since forever, this is the first time I've allowed myself to singing high notes without fear


I'm so glad to have found your videos. I'm 68 and recently started singing in a rock band again (23 years and a thyroid surgery later). Trying to get my chops back again. My upper chest voice seems tight and not as high as it used to be. I was thinking my voice would never be the same after my surgery but after watching your videos I have hope I can get my range back. God bless you Ken!


For the first time in my life I feel like I did vocals correctly. No dizziness, no chest discomfort, no lack of air.
This was great. 🤍
