Why the obsession w/ Asian women

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Men are attracted to women with more neotenous features.

East Asian women have more neotenous features:

White man and Asian woman marriages are more than 'twice' as common as the reverse.

But it's 'NOT' just white men...

According to one online dating app study, "men of all races (with one notable exception) prefer Asian women."

Think this is racism?

Well, actually if you are like most people you have an innate preference (unconscious) for your 'own' race.

All races tend to prefer to be with and marry their own race (and someone that looks like them).

If you are living in a PC bubble called college or an ethnically diverse place like San Fran, New York, etc. then maybe you can't see this, but these places are unusual in the world. The truth is that the world is a pretty segregated place and 'most people live around people that look like them'.

What's racism like in prison?

"Obsession" is a catchier word than preference is. So that's why I used it. For me I would just say a 'preference'. No, it's not rice or "yellow fever" and like I just linked to above you have a genetic fever for your own race.

But as I mentioned the video is directed towards Asian NOT Asian American. There's quite a difference there. And you would only understand that if you've lived abroad. It's like me saying 'I'm Irish'. If I walked into a pub in Ireland and said that they'd probably laugh or I might get punched in the face.

It's a good deal about culture.

And many American women are soooo politically correct. Feminists... That's one reason why I am not attracted to them for the most part anymore.

You like what you like.

It's about culture really and maybe a preference for dark hair. People have different tastes. I have always had an attraction to the foreign. And it's not just about women. I have traveled to around 18 countries or so, lived in 7 States and 4 countries. It's just my interests.

Do Asian woman have white fever?

I imagine other people are like that too.

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East Asians tend to have:
Larger heads
Flatter faces
Smaller brow ridge
Less hair
Smaller bones
Less muscular
Smaller body size
Shorter limbs

They are more baby like, cuter and retain their youthful appearance (neotony).


It's so funny about how many western girls would directly conclude about asian girls: "You like asian girls because their are more submissive, and we are not". Don't confuse submissiveness and kindness. Some asians girls may seem submissive but they're definitely not.


Western culture tends to be more selfish generally or self involved. Worried about the rights of the individual. Asian cultures tend to think of the other or society. Asian culture focus is generally on family, group or society and the individual is less.


One time I (an Asian 😄) was walking out of Walmart with a bottle of wine in my hand, and a Walmart staff shouted at me “Hey you’re not supposed to have that, how old are you???!!!” I felt like everybody stared at me and I told her “35”... To which she replied “Oh wow, great job!” And everybody laughed.
In America people always think I look way younger than I actually am.


More feminine and look good. Period. I think that's all that men want from women regardless of race


Objectifying women is sad. A relationship should be based on non-superficial characteristics, not lust.


I guess race affects how we look at things . I am Black and from my experience you can find beautiful and feminine Women in every race . There are also masculine looking women that don't prepare themselves in every race. However, I don't think the feelings here are bad. People develope attraction in different ways. For instance the speaker finds being very pale attractive. I find Indian Women and others that have color the most attractive. Not to say that I have not seen pale women that were attractive.


As a white woman, I admire Asian women's sense of beauty and femininity. They are proud of it. Growing up in a western culture, I do feel like I was encouraged to look and behave more masculine, and not too 'girly', but I have been much happier since I got in touch with my feminine side. Personality wise, I am probably not quite as submissive as asian women seem to be (from the many asian women I have known personally), but I do like a guy who is more dominant than me.

I do feel like some western men look for asian women for the wrong reasons, but I completely understand the appeal, and hope femininity will become more valued in western culture. Men and women share the earth, so we should live and rule it together, rather than one trying to overthrow the other.


I don't call it an obession... i just think a lot of Asian women are attractive...they're definitely a little different than western women. I'd say they're definitely more feminine..it's true less of them smoke, and less of them get all tattooed up.


I am Asian. Southeast Asian woman. Yes asian women age gracefully. I am 50 and people said I look 34. Avoid junk food, salt, and sugar. Eat lots of vegetables, fish, and seafood. Ginger, turmeric, and garlic. Moisturize your skin everyday. Sunscreen every 2 hours when outdoor. Drink green tea every night before going to bed. Stay slim and healthy.


Asian women tend to look after themselves better, they are less likely to smoke or drink/eat excessively, on average they also eat healthier, that in itself is very attractive to a man.
Asian women are also very family orientated and prefer to work on problems rather than getting highly emotional and combative, don't take that for passiveness though, they don't take shit if you jerk them around lol.
Last but not least most Asian women are good looking, and less likely to be overweight (although obviously there are exceptions).


I have a western friend who married a Japanese girl, he never thought about marrying an asian girl before, his wife, she cute and diligent, her face looks like shes 18 y.o actually shes 27, I am southeast Asian so I was a little bit surprised. She is amazing at taking care of the household, my western friend said his mother once said she was very lucky to have a daughter-in-law like her, a month ago she just gave birth to a very handsome baby boy, remember yall, love jas no race, color, or religion, love is just love


Same. I like my asian gf coz she is very pretty, feminine, clean, kind, sweet, caring.... Basically anything you'd want in a woman. Like they care care of themselves and the family as well. Cooks good food, and very intelligent


Asian woman here. I don’t fully represent the whole race but I hope you’ll have time to hear what i’d like to say.

*Why we are able to keep our weight & health*:
Maybe because we are literally abundant in rice, vegetables and herbals. Our grandmas & mamas will pick up roots and plants from the garden then forces us to drink it whenever we get sick. Herbals & plants are much more cheaper & effective than hospitals. We eat fruits mostly everyday and took a bath twice a day (full bath & half bath). Smooth skin is one of the beauty ideals so we have to apply lotions and beauty products because girls here like to compare their skin & weight to others. Smelling nice is also a must lol. Asians are very competitive. The parents like to compare & boast whose daughter/son is the most desirable (I hate it).

I don’t know why asians are mostly short and tiny. Maybe because of biology, climate, location, and evolution.

*Submissiveness & Attitude*:
Maybe because asians are very conservative people because of the elders. We live in a household where the father is mostly like a strict leader but is respected by everyone and he deserves it. Grandparents & relatives are also big influences. If they hear you say bad words, prepare for the flying slippers. Respect to the elders is a must. The neighbors & teachers are like families too. Asians have a ton of dramas and novelas, and I think it influences the behavior as well (the television can act as role models). In the school we are the ones who clean the rooms and the surroundings. If you don’t know how to cook or wash your clothes or just being lazy you’ll get yourself in embarrassment. We also have to greet people nicely and be polite because good impression and character is fortune. And besides if you disrespect the family, you’ll be the talk of the whole neighborhood. Family reputation is important

P.S.: Romance is not in the race & appearance but in the attitude. I think in order to find a good partner, observe her attitude towards her parents and elders, her attitude towards her friends, how she does cleanliness, how she handles the money, and other stuffs. You can’t find these details in the dating sites or online, meet her personally. But don’t look in the bars or clubs. The bred winner will take care of her whole family, so be careful and be wise. Know her past relationships (especially if it is long term or short term).

Not all asians are the picture you are describing, everyone have flaws, but I hope you’ll find the one you are looking for. Feel free to ask questions or just comment coz i like to listen what you’d like to say. Have a great day for the people who have time to read this. 🙂


You are stereotyping Asian men not all are feminine plenty of Asian men are masculine. I think the reason why so many Asian women date out is because Asian culture is too traditional.


He made some really good points here I am a white man, I have dated mainly white women. But I've always found Asian women attractive and feminine and far less loud than most white women.


as an irish american girl who lived in new york city for college a few years back have to admit Asian girls are winning, , i seen nothing but white guys or any guy really just go head over heels for a pretty looking asian girl, my girlfriend is a mix white and korean she can be the most beautiful woman on the planet, through school she had to beat the guys off of her, and even some girls like me sometimes i dont know but, asian beauty is a treat for both sexes if you go that way, , , lol but now not to stereotype asian girls as a sexual object, they were all honest, intelligent, responsible and loving when you got to know them as a friend or a lover


I guess this also explained why man go for younger woman.


Asian women are less likely to become fat after marriage, that's a big plus.


Asking “Why do white men like asian women?” is basically same as “why do black men are more attracted to curvy women?” Because they’re attracted to that type of women. “Why asian men aren’t into big booty or big lips?” Simply because they’re mostly not into that.

“Why does anyone like anybody?” At the end it’s just a preference. It’s all about what different cultures find attractive in other people. So why bother other people preference and think that yours is better?
