At first I was like “what a waste of a center diff” and then that immediately switched to “fuck Subarus look cool drifting” scarymonsters
At first I was like “what a waste of a center diff” and then that immediately switched to “fuck Subarus look cool drifting”
Have never seen a rear wheel drive Subaru before, very cool! axis
Have never seen a rear wheel drive Subaru before, very cool!
when you don't know where the build is going... lets put a 130mph+ aero wing on the back to film drift videos. ZZH
when you don't know where the build is going... lets put a 130mph+ aero wing on the back to film drift videos.
I hope you have cylinder number four cooling mod... those Motors don't like going sideways without starving oil to it and grenading the engine😭 The_Animal_Man
I hope you have cylinder number four cooling mod... those Motors don't like going sideways without starving oil to it and grenading the engine😭
"Vou mandar um Drift de Subaru Azul!" LactoVacilos
"Vou mandar um Drift de Subaru Azul!"
Bro really trusted bunta with the "The practical and easy to drive car"💀 Smartfellaorafartsmella
Bro really trusted bunta with the "The practical and easy to drive car"💀
I’m pretty sure you’re going to Grenada the diff eventually. But a lot of people had success with a r200 from a Nissan kw
I’m pretty sure you’re going to Grenada the diff eventually. But a lot of people had success with a r200 from a Nissan
Team orange Did this with evo’s too. Mid 2000’s D1GP nessie
Team orange Did this with evo’s too. Mid 2000’s D1GP
Nobushigi Kumokubo has entered the chat. blackthunder
Nobushigi Kumokubo has entered the chat.
surprised u can drift on road with the grippyness Subaru the best SUBYLIFE
surprised u can drift on road with the grippyness Subaru the best
This looks exactly like that one road in fh5 desertedtubergaming
This looks exactly like that one road in fh5
Sum light I’m getting one of those fasho now 😂 physics
Sum light I’m getting one of those fasho now 😂
Reminds me of the Nfs carbon canyon levels pencilspianos
Reminds me of the Nfs carbon canyon levels
Disgusting bastardisation of a- God DAMN THAT LOOKS GOOD. FishbedFive
Disgusting bastardisation of a- God DAMN THAT LOOKS GOOD.