The Qalupalik of Inuit Legend (ARCTIC MERMAIDS)

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The Qualupalik of Inuit Legend is one of the most terrifying creatures to stalk to waters of the arctic. The Qalupalik or Arctic Mermaid as some call it, originates from Inuit legend and those legends speak of the horrible acts that this monster is said to do all in the selfish act of self preservation. This isn’t only part of Inuit Legend but also others as well.

The Qualupalik is known by many variations of its name, Qallupilluit, Qalupalik, Qualupalik, but in all versions it’s always a horrifying creature in search of children to devour. These Arctic Mermaids are not known to have any particular weaknesses however I would imagine it is mortal all the same. however I would imagine it could be treated like any other living animal albeit with a uniquely monstrous disposition toward children.

If you were to ever encounter a real life Qalupalik, or Arctic Mermaid, you’d be horrified and disgusted. The large claws, jagged fins and razor like teeth of the Qalupalik is truly a terrifying sight to behold while in the waters of the Arctic. Not only that but the smell that comes along with it is absolutely disgusting. The Qalupalik reeks of sulfur or rotten eggs and its pungent odor is a sure sign that it is targeting the child near the shores.

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Bro, it's criminal how underrated you are. Your content is great


You deserve more subscribers. I love how you’re always in the woods and sometimes explore the area your video is about. Keep up the great work


I really enjoyed this video very interesting.


Thanks for the video. I have to ask how many kids are going to wonder to the edge of the water as a kid lol. Like a lot of kids if i was told not to do something i .would end up doing it lol. So i have a big doubts about the warning children excuse too. Thanks again


You are just a Good Storyteller...Probably 0 Truth to these stories 🤦‍♀️


I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt until they give me reason not to trust them anymore, so I'm not going question the couple's story.
I'm sure even in summer that water is frigid, but all the cold water and mention of grandmothers reminded me of the time when I was at Lake Superior in the UP, and this girl got knocked over by a chunk of ice floating by, so I've seen firsthand people willing to go in the water regardless of its temperature.
I wonder if the Qalupalik went back and ate the grandmother after the boy got rescued.
When it comes to the ocean, and even big deep lakes, there is no telling what could be down there.


Qallupilluit* how tf would u know anything when u can’t even spell its name right


It’s what took the man on the ship found abandoned off St Helena in 03’ I believe. The Isladero… they everywhere
