Why Star Wars Fans Are Freaking Out That Thrawn Is Back

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The origin and legacy of the Expanded Universe's greatest villain.

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I really hope they don't just kill him off. He's a great villain who deserves more.


the Thrawn Trilogy should have been what the new movies where about


Star Wars Rebels is canon to the Star Wars film universe. Therefore, should he survive throughout Rebels there's always a possibility for him to appear in live-action films.


They should canonise some of the old Sith Lords.


This guy sounds way more interesting than Emo Ren and Supreme Leader Bore.


I'm very concerned about how they will handle Thrawn. He was such a good adversary for the New Republic but everything seems to get dumbed down in the Star Wars tv series. I hope he doesn't get reduced to a "I'll get you next time!" villain.


Thrawn is not even evil, where did you get that? Just because one sides with the empire does not make him evil. In fact I do not see most followers of the empire as bad or evil. After all, they are either just citizens or soldiers. The Evil people are those that run the empire, being the sith. For Thrawn this is all just his job and just because he is a mastermind at doing his job, does not make him evil or bad.


It would be cool if they added Captain Pellaeon in


Pupils... Why did they give him pupils...
Thrawn is one of the reasons that demolishing the entire EU is a horrible idea, and Disney just realized that as well.


Let him survive rebels so you can make a new series set between 6 and 7.


Disney erasing Thrawn's entire history, so sad. He was one of the Great EU villains, if not the best villain, in Star Wars. Reduced to a season 3 cartoon baddie who'll probably have a lame death at the end of the season.


So many people asking who Thrawn is. Are you even watching the video? Lol.


So many people asking who Thrawn is. Are you even watching the video? And another intersting fact, the very reason why thrawn was so famous was because his comic book series is the reason star wars still even exists today. After Return of the Jedi, when there were no more new movies in the 90's and in order to not lose interest in Star Wars, there many novels and comics written by various authors. The very first was Timothy Zahn's Heir To The Empire where it featured what happened to Luke Skywalker and the cast after the Battle of Endor and thrawn became their biggest threat. This began to become the expanded universe of star wars and continued its legacy until the prequels.


Don't forget that the prequels and now the sequels both are probably only in existence because of Zahn's books including Thrawn. Without him, SW wouldn't exist as we know it.


I really hate that Disney didn't take up the chance to tell the story of Thrawn. There was so much lore that was just tossed aside, it could have been its own trilogy.
The Rise of Thrawn: Obligatory backstory stuff, Outbound Flight, Thrawn's ascension through the ranks, and, most importantly, his campaign AGAINST superweapons like the Death Star.
The Reign of Thrawn: Thrawn out in the Unknown Regions, setting up defensive stations for the immanent Yuuzhan Vong invasion, finding out of the fall of the Empire, and steps to retake lost space.
The Fall of Thrawn: Thrawn's campaign, and ultimate betrayal.
There's so much good stuff here.
I can acknowledge and begrudgingly respect Disney wanting to put their own take on the Star Wars universe, but at least keep the characters where they are in the lore of the Star Wars universe.


oh no!!! he is canon!!! we are doomed!!!


I feel ashamed. I didn't even know the EU was a thing before 2015, nor did I know who Thrawn was. I recently got the Thrawn trilogy books, and let's just say I was missing out BIG.


People are calling him "a villain" eventhough he only serves the Empire as he believes that a united Galaxy is the only way to save his home planet from a war against another species. He does not enslave the people who work under him, threatens nor totures them as other Imperial Commanders/admirals do. As said in the video, people who work under Thrawn's reign like it. How often did you hear an imperial soldier say "oh I love working at Vader's Flagship. The boss is such a nice guy!"
In my eyes, Thrawn is a great character and next to the Sith my favourite person in the Empire.

(sorry for my bad english. I am not a native speaker and it is 5 a.m.)


It's good to see their bringing back characters who were made non canon maybe they can eventually add Dash Rendar and Kyle Katarn back into the canon.


if you don't know who thrawn is then please don't call yourself a star wars fan
