Raw, unfiltered BOAT LIFE in Thailand! (Extended Cut)

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0:00 - Start
1:30 - Overview of Episode!
4:10 - Day One - Cave Dive
9:57 - Sailing Again!
15:35 - Exploring the Island
18:35 - Sailing... FAST
24:05 - Review of the Sail
26:00 - Animated Explanation of the Sail
28:35 - Dropping Anchor
32:00 - Exploring Klong Dao Beach
35:27 - Checking the Anchor Chain
39:06 - Sailing Again
44:00 - Back on Land
45:30 - Rapido 50, Final Thoughts!

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OUTSTANDING cinematography. The story kept moving so smoothly, 48 min just flew by. SLV is without a doubt the gold standard.


I really do appreciate these long form videos. I love how you capture the quiet moments and find the magic in the mundane, so to speak. Obviously I love to see the exciting bits, but I love the stillness just as much. Sort of reminds me of the rawness of your early stuff combined with gorgeous cinematography and sound design. Massive props to the whole team!



Elayna. Riley.

I haven't missed an epi in 4 years. They're all great. But this epi right here is what it's all about. Sailing, living, hanging out.

Beautiful cinematography, relaxing sounds, sweet family footage, and then Riley going balls to the wall nerdy about in depth sailing stuff. Finger of god. Love it. Keep it up. This stuff is better than any TV show going on right now.


I honestly think an hour with you guys every week would add years to my life.


I fall more in love with you guys each episode. I’m a 44 yr old American male who’s totally lost in life after losing my rock. I pray for the freedoms that you experience in life with your friends and family. God bless.

Edit - I’ve been watching since the beginning of your sailing together on the small boat.


As someone who has been watching your adventures from the beginning, I love everything about this video! Watching Lenny practice tying knots, Darwin looking incredibly comfortable on the boat, Elayna being an amazing mother, and Riley having the best sail of his life - Just wow!!! This video brought me so much joy! ❤. Thank you!


Elayna: "I don't know whatever I did to deserve this."
You're a gentle soul with a big heart. You deserve nothing short of the best life.
Thank You, Riley, Elena, Lenny, and Darwin + any and all crew, for sharing your life with me and 100s and 1000s of other like-minded, would-be trekkers. You inspire. xoxoxo


I really appreciate the longer videos. There was a nice mix of sailing and family. I think you found the sweet spot. It’s amazing to see the boat moving at wind speed. Can’t wait to see the distance numbers you put up on a crossing.


The simplest shots held just long enough to feel the wind, hear the water, see the light…and jump overboard…just I’ve done, too, sailing for months in years past. The still water at dawn & dusk, the utter JOY in Riley over wind & sail speed… Elayna’s tender words on our troubled world & her gratitude for peace, love, family and life. Truly brought tears to my eyes. I love you kids, as I write from this old Victorian in SanFrancisco, surrounded by Art & SO reluctantly landlocked….but you always satisfy this old dame with the MOST beautiful, vicarious adventures!
Thanks for this glorious movie w/delicate music lingering in my head♥️💕💃🏼


The artful way you film sailing life is so beautiful and peaceful. I'm grateful for the opportunity to live vicariously through your travels.


This might be your best ever episode. This one was definitely something special. The editing, the purity and the wholesomeness.


Sitting here thinking it's no secret why you folks deserve this beautiful life; you've worked so hard and so brilliantly to bring the adventure and the experience to the rest of us, exemplifying so much of the best of being human, being adventurous, and being family.. Thank you so much. Also, Rapido absolutely scored having you represent their builds. I can see them getting loads of orders in future.


As I was watching this, I was thinking what a beautiful life. And it came to me that it all started with a leap of faith on both your parts. Asking and agreeing to take a trip together when you'd really just met. There was no way for either of you to know that it would lead to a successful YouTube channel, two beautiful boys, amazing friends and all these years of travel together. You took a leap of faith. And that leap has not only blessed you, but so many others, including all of your viewers. Thank you.


I watched this channel for 7 years, and it never fails to deliver. I hope to be watching SLV when these two boys are teenagers


27:24 I love how Riley touches his heart ❤️ as he says as a sailor. That’s how you know he’s truly passionate and proud of what his family does basically for a living and how you know they would never advertise for anything they didn’t truly love. Love this family!!


Smoking hot, this extended uncut episode brought love and passion to us all! Eating chocolates with a side of fresh figs, sailing faster than the apparent wind, chasing hermit crabs along the beach, sunset diners on the mainland, uncompromised cinematography, unblemished echoic memory, this was a major pristine epilogue we have visualized ever through your channel. We are honored to have had the privilege of viewing your Family and friends aboard the Rapido 50. How can we thank Elayna enough for producing this masterpiece. Epic!


Hands-down, I think this is one of the best videos you’ve ever made. The joy of sailing is so evident in your emotions, actions and body language, kudos, and I can’t wait to see what you do next I’ve been a patron for years, and I will be one for many more to come. Cheers!


Well - what can I say, except that you've become quite the accomplished little film maker, Eleyna. And I say that as a BBC-trained director myself. Great footage, great production, editing, wonderful soundtrack - well mixed! - BRAVO!! And what impresses me most is that despite living within some 'relatively' confined spaces, you still - after all these years - manage to find refreshing and pleasing angles to shoot within the confines of the boat. I know you had help this time, but still - you've done yourself proud!


Just love these raw less edited movies, so much more realistic and immersive thank you guys for making my life feel more enriched and taking me on your life’s journey . Love to you all SLV is golden ♥️


I love the vibe of this kind of episode. It doesn't need to be long (sometimes I can't watch right away until I have the time to watch the whole thing) I just love the attitude that comes across in these films. Sailing gives me peace, it's why my life could never be 100% land based. I've watched you guys for a very long time and love seeing you push further, and as a family now, it gives me so much hope for one day doing the same with kids on board. Keep it real guys!
