The Spirit Song - A Nordic Lullaby

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If the spirit of the mist could sing us a lullaby, how would it sound like?
I created this song with an intention to give you a little glimpse into that mystical realm of the mist, which I feel is like a bridge between our world and other dimensions. The mist has always been an inspiration in my work and art. It's just something there that excites me so deeply.
When the mist is dancing over the forest lakes in the bright nights, I feel like I get to see and experience something that is almost not real in our physical world. It's almost pulling me into something else. Like it's calling on us, to be still and listen, and to connect to something deeper within us.
All the mist that you see in this video, is 100% real and filmed in the beautiful nature where I live.

I also wanted to give this song a touch of the ancient nordic folktunes, which has this incredible way of sounding sad and hopeful at the same time. In Swedish you call it "vemod". The closest I can describe it is as a melancholy feeling. And I have always felt very drawned to that. I like when the line between feelings is erased, so that you can feel it all at the same time. The sorrow, the joy, the light and the dark, the heaviness of being a human, the beauty of being alive. The physical world and the spirit world.

I feel like I could go on forever and talk about this. But enough talking for now! :)
I really hope you will enjoy the song and the music video.
It's in Swedish, but I will write the lyrics to it down below.

LOTS of love to you all! ♥

► Lyrics in Swedish + English translation (Text and music: Jonna Jinton)

Så lilla vän
(Sweet friend)
Dimman för dig hem igen
(The mist will carry you home again)
Om du går vilse
(If you get lost)

Natten är lång
(The night is long)
Tusen stjärnors urtidssång
(The ancient song of a thousand stars)
Dimmorna dansar
(The mist is dancing)

Sov lilla vän
(Sleep little friend)
Skogen vaktar, värmer dig
(The forest guards you, and keep you warm)
Om du är frusen
(If you are cold)

(Northern lights)
Dansar över skog och fjäll
(Dancing over the forest and mountains)
Brinner i natten
(Burning in the night)

Så lilla vän
(Sweet friend)
Dimman för dig hem igen
(The mist will carry you home again)
Om du går vilse
(If you get lost)

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Hey my loves! Thank you for listening/watching my song and musicvideo! ♥
If you want to know more about the song and read the lyrics in both Swedish and English, you can find them in the description, under the video.
Big hugs and lots of love 😘


Our daughter was born September 27th this year. She had 3 congenital heart defects, we knew for a few months leading up to her birth. Her name is Runa, we thought for a long time about what her middle name would be, after months of stress, worrying, praying for her health and birth, one night I was listening to your music in the dark, in a hot bath, and decided we would name her middle name after you. Her name is Runa Jonna. Your music gave me peace in one of the hardest times in my life. And like my daughter, your music is beautiful, but also so powerful. I love your work, thank you for your dedication to your fans, and to yourself. ❤ (Update time: so we had our cardio follow up today she's turning 8 months in 2 days. Everything is perfect, she is amazing, and strong, and unbelievably sweet. She smiles all the time, almost never stops, your guys love and encouragement has been so amazing. We love you all seriously. ❤️)


An angelic voice with the ability to heal and uplift ones heart and soul - Thank you for this gift Jonna ❤


This sound is so wonderful. The person who is reading this comment, I wish you great success, health, love and happiness!


This is not a song. It's a pure soul talking to the world.


My grandpa always used to say „The faeries are dancing again“ everytime there was fog. It always gave me a magical feeling as a kid❤️❤️


I'm a therapist and this week has been very tough listening to so many people in pain. It weighs heavy sometimes and I feel unbearably sad. This was really really helpful. Thank you Jonna, our friend 💖


She is not just a Swedish treasure, Jonna is a treasure for all humanity, her voice is as close to what I think of as "Angelic" as I can imagine.


I have autism, this calms me when I'm having a melt down. I'm back here again, listening. Magical


This is hauntingly beautiful. Please make an album one day, Jonna! Your voice is so pure, I just love it! ❤️


❤ My mother passed a few hours ago. ❤ She would have loved this lullaby as I do. ❤ It's a homecoming. ❤
Thank you Jonna ❤

Love to everyone who has to let go someone beloved. They are freed from fear and pain and their souls are eternal. They returned home. ❤


I truly believe in some past life- I was an ancient Nordic woman. This music speaks to my soul.


I may be late commenting on this video and maybe no one will see this comment, but I come here every morning and every day because of my depression. This soothing music helped me a lot. I just wanted to say thank you for letting me get through the hard times.


Suffering from cancer and depression this relaxes my soul and lifts my spirits thank you its truly beautiful !!!


We are strangers in this world and here it’s music connecting us. Glad I found this song, glad I read your comments and hoping you are doing well.


This is quite possibly the most beautiful and ethereal thing I've ever heard! 😢❤❤❤ So many emotions I can't even begin to describe! ❤


Ты волшебница, прекрасная девочка...!!! Великолепна Песнь твоя, нежный голос твой и очень глубокий...! Ты - Дочь Лесов, туманов, Горных далей и водных глубин, хрупких льдов... Давно любуюсь тобой, радуюсь и живу Твоей красотой и Твоей Природой, Твоими картинами и вашими делами творческими... Благодарю же сегодня за Песнь Сердца твоего, созвучна с тобой...


This feels like something familiar, that I’ve forgotten. Thank you for reminding me. ♥️


YouTube showed me that I listened to this song more than any other for all of 2023.
Pretty cool ❤❤❤❤


Thank you Jonna. ❤ I just came home from a terrible day, sat down on the floor and cried my eyes out. I felt so horrible and lost and alone. I thought I will forever feel that way and that nothing will ever help me stand up again. But then I listened to your song and it calmed me down. It grounded me and gave me the feeling that there must be a solution for my problem..❤ and that I am strong enough to go on. Thank you for your beautiful work ❤️🙏🏻💙
