Phenomenological Reduction: Husserl's thought-experiment: Prof. Sumioka's One-Minute Philosophy! 55

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Prof.Dr. Teruaki G. SUMIOKA: Univ.-Professor of Osaka University of Arts
Brain Supplements that make you wiser. He explains the core terms of philosophy just for one minute.

PROFILE: Ph.D. in Aesthetics, Tokyo National University of Arts; M.Phil. in Philosophy, the University of Tokyo; B.A. in Philosophy, the University of Tokyo. Born in Tokyo, Graduated from Seijo-Gakuen High School and the University of Tokyo. Worked as a Program Planner of LIVE TV TILL DAWN! in News Station, TV Asahi, as a part-time Lecturer (Philosophy) Tamagawa University, a tenure Associate Professor (Business Administration) in Tokai University, a Gastprofessor (Filmwissenschaft) in Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany etc. His specialties are Philosophy, Media Culture and Movie Theory. He is also active as a Designer, a Composer and a Writer.
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