SHOULDER IMPINGEMENT: 8 Exercises and Strategies to Treat it For Good

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Don’t let that nagging pinch continue on. This shoulder impingement rehab guide will teach you 8 effective exercises and strategies to treat it for good.

Shoulder impingement is a common problem that can lead to major issues if not nipped in the bud. It’s especially common among people who do a lot of overhead movements, including weightlifting (think shoulder presses).

[1:01] The first step is to identify the Root Causes of shoulder impingement, including improper movement patterns and poor posture and mobility of the thoracic spine. I talk more about these throughout the video.

[2:00] Second, it’s important to Reduce Inflammation. I offer you a couple of strategies, including icing and a self-massage technique.

[5:26] Once you’ve rested and the inflammation and acute pain has decreased, you can move on to the third phase of shoulder impingement rehab: Resetting Your Movement Patterns.

This includes overcoming a common, but improper cue: keeping your scapulae down and back during moves like overhead press or pull ups.

[7:18] To combat this, I’ll show you a dissociation exercise to help break bad habits, reset natural scapulohumeral rhythm, and prime your neuromuscular system for proper overhead movement.

[8:28] Now that we’ve reset the movement pattern, we can start to Restore Shoulder Strength and Mobility.

In the video I give you 3 exercises, each addressing specific deficits that can contribute to shoulder impingement: T-Spine Mobilization [8:28], 4-Point T-Spine ERE Sequence [9:48], and the Overhead Doorway ERE [10:30].

[10:59] Finally, to wrap up our shoulder impingement rehab, we focus on Reprograming With Functional Integration.

I teach you two exercises that incorporate functional, compound movements: Overhead Wall Rollouts [11:28] and DB Arnold Press [11:58].

This high-level overview gives you an excellent framework for shoulder impingement rehab so you can fix the nagging pain for good and get back to doing what you love.


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LISTEN TO THIS MAN. I'm going through his shoulder videos and he knows EXACTLY what he's talking about. There is SOOO MUCH rubbish out there on YouTube - but not this. I have been researching shoulder exercises for 12 months because I had a really bad shoulder injury from a moped crash. I have seen more specialists (doctors, osteopaths, physios, etc) than I can count, so I know when someone knows what they're talking about. Eric knows exactly what he's talking about. Here's why:

1. He's 100% right about NOT using anti-inflammatory drugs/painkillers in the long-term whilst still trying to do these exercises. That's something I did at the beginning and I regret it so much. They block the necessary pain signals your brain needs to prevent you from doing certain movements so your shoulder can recover. They give you a false sense of hope, and then you over-work your injury and do more damage to it. Avoid long-term use of them and instead work on rehab exercises that you can manage, and slowly scale them up to include harder exercises as you build strength.

2. He's right about avoiding the bullshit YouTube advice about "always have your shoulders pinched back and down" (or in other words retracted and depressed). I swear to God, this advice is in EVERY video about shoulder rehab exercises. IT IS BAD ADVICE. Not only does it ENCOURAGE impingement (which is NOT what you want), it also takes your serratus anterior out of the movement you're doing (again, NOT what you want). The serratus anterior is KEY to shoulder stability and strengthening it will help you feel less shoulder pain. If you don't want to take this advice from Eric then take it from me, because I had been doing the whole "pinching the shoulders back and down" for MONTHS before I realised that it WASN'T DOING ME ANY GOOD. When I started strengthening the serratus anterior, I noticed huge progress. LISTEN TO ERIC.

3. He talks about "reprogramming" the muscle. I haven't seen a SINGLE person on YouTube talk about this, and it's FUNDAMENTAL. If you have had a shoulder injury for a long time, your body may compensate for it by recruiting the use of other muscles. Therefore, your brain can actually FORGET how to engage key muscles involved in moving the shoulder (like the serratus anterior). If this happens, you have to "reprogram" and re-educate your muscles to engage those key muscles. BUT NO ONE ELSE TALKS ABOUT THIS. Eric is the ONLY person I've heard on YouTube talk about this, and it's SO IMPORTANT.

I could go on, but this comment is already long enough. The bottom line is LISTEN TO THIS MAN BECAUSE HE KNOWS WHAT HE'S TALKING ABOUT.


Thank you. So many people on youtube talks about how it relates to people sitting at computers and stuff. Finally a video directed at people who exercise.


As per your instruction I have impingement and only after 24 hours no pain... 95% better thanks to your stretches. Thank you! I aggravated the shoulder from steering a boat for 12 years. Left hand always on the wheel up to 8 hours each shift. That did me in and other captains. I'll continue the stretches and hopefully it'll even get better.


I had shoulder impingment and watched this clip 2.5 years ago, I followed the instructions everyday and my shoulder impingment was cured. I haven't had a the problem for over a year now. So this works. Feel good and trust and just do it. Thanks


This guy's not the most entertaining speaker on 'Tube, but he really knows his stuff and provides simple exercises that address very painful mobility issues.


I just wanted to personally thank you for this video, as well as others. My hobby is rock climbing, and I strained my shoulder. With your videos, I was able to diagnose it as an impingement and take the proper rest and recovery steps to get back in the gym. I am now cycling through your videos to learn about my knee pain, shoulder mobility, and really anything and everything else that I can learn. Again, thank you so much!


im not even the type to comment on things but this dude knows what hes talkin about. been dealin with this for over a year now and bro solved the problem in 10 minutes


I work construction, as a Rigger, and I can't thank you enough for making it so simple and easy to understand what I've been doing wrong. Then showing how not only to repair my back and shoulder but also making it stronger. Cheers!


This video was thorough and informative...thank you!


I’ve had shoulder impingement for years, and I’ve never heard of the foam block technique for my back until today. Almost instant relief! Thank you so much!


Eric - this is awesome. My only thing, wish I saw this 3 weeks ago when I first injured myself. After seeing a physio and chiro, they had me doing wall angels all day. The inflammation got so bad after a week I couldnt move. Seeing this, its obvious I didnt rest enough but they both told me to carry on working out immediately. No fluff here just good advice thanks so much.


Great video! In fact, I injured my shoulder precisely because I had a trainer insist on getting my shoulder blades and down and back. Very, very bad. So I'm you pointed out this very common trainer fallacy.


Wow Ian impressed. Have had impingement for two years but no one ever told med this. I feel like I have discovered a gold mine with your channel! ❤


bro this is awesome - thankyou
been lifting overhead the wrong way and i;m like an exact case stufy of what your talking about - just followed you and already my shoulder feels more relaxed and better


Thanks Eric, great video! Appreciate your time spent acquiring this knowledge and putting it into an instructional video! Years of hard work, time and money. You are generous to share this wisdom with everyone!


your tips are incredibly effective! the last time i suffered this type of injury (5 or 6 years ago), i literally could not lift my arm sideways past a 45% angle and it took 9 months to heal. i don't know how I did it last time, and it felt like the same injury this time (and I don't know how it happened this time either). But after 3 or 4 days of applying your tips, i've got 95%-100% mobility back. from the bottom of my heart,
thank you!


Eric, spot on again ! You made me fix my tennis elbow in 4 weeks and now my shoulder impingement is gone.


Thank you so much ! Solved recurring and nagging pain within 4 days. Real competence here and crystal clear videos. God bless you !


Those are great exercises, Eric. Thanks, i will forward your videos to my shoulder patients who i see for Dry Needling and Acupuncture....
