The Power Of Friendship | Joyce Meyer's Talk It Out Podcast | Episode 64

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We can hardly believe it’s been two years since it all began in Ginger’s living room with the four of us laughing, crying, and praying together, and we’re so grateful you’ve joined us! Over cupcakes, we’re celebrating the beauty of godly friendships, unpacking some of Joyce’s best relationship wisdom, and we just *might* be surprising each other with presents that tell a story.
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Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

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Flowers journey.
Girls community to give love language for friendships.
God bless our community.


I'm praying God will bring good honest christian women into my life. Thank you for this video.


I feel so lonely. I have an empty nest, no friends here, because I moved to a new city. Been here 3 years. God has blessed me with a brand new home, paid off car, no money problems to speak of, an up coming trip to sunny Jamaica for my birthday. I’m am alone ALL the time and lately it’s kinda overwhelming. It makes me cry a lot when I should be smiling and joyful. But the loneliness is really yucky. HELP


I wish these podcasts were daily.. they mean so much to me ... I love you guys


Please stand with me that God will send me godly friends. In Jesus name. I love you all friendship!!


yes, we all need a friend! no better friend than a praying friend! 💜

having a friend who is intimate with God is a gift more than gold 💜


I was so nervous listening to this episode, because I saw it was about friendship and I feel so alone these days so I postponed listening to it - but now that I did I just wanna say thank you for encouraging me and making me focus on God again and that he indeed has some divine friendships for me too. Thank you, wise and nice girls <3


it is so good to listen to you all the time cause im 73 and i live alone with my cat, thank you for being here everyday, and it helps me to cope with the issues in my life, God bless you love connie


As a recently retired pastor’s wife, who related across states right before the pandemic, I LOVE and appreciate your show, and being a part of your friend Group. I do not miss an episode, and I am celebrating with you today.🎈🎈
Thank you for this so needed show. I look forward to many more times with you.


God will never give you anything you can't handle, so don't stress. When life hurts, come to Jesus! Never forget this!


I need new friends, real friends, who will have my back. I find its harder in my 40s.


Divine Relationships. Divine connections. Super truthful


I love ❤ you all. ❤ I feel like your sister already. I'm in the UK and I listen to you after my meditation most mornings. Having gone through, still going through challenging times during the pandemic, including divorce, being ostracised by my family because I revealed through my book, Hush to Roar that I was sexually abused during my childhood by a close family member. You all give me so much love ❤ that my friends have been unable to give me. I'd love ❤ to be part of your family xx thank you!


ps; pray for me cause i am a shy person, i have been through many hurts in my life and find it hard to trust people thanks


Love this podcast! I feel like ya'll have become friends to me via this medium. I like that you are so real and are in a continual God search. Me too! I cherish friends. My last in person Bible Study ended so badly that I can still hardly believe it. But, I know Satan works hard in the spaces we are claiming for God. I'm blessed that I see God working in this space! Thank you all!


I watch these over several times.. I wish I had a group of Christian women to do this with.


Jesus Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day praying for everyone everyday God bless you all


Empathic spirits can somewhat sense other's pain. Because of this God given gift empathic spirits are strong encouragers and comforters. We expect the same from our friends but they might not have that gift.


Please join me in prayer for all unborn to be born with precious life praise God praying for everyone everyday God bless you all


I love what Ginger did and said about the flowers. I love flowers, so perfect!
