Crime and Punishment Audiobook, by Dostoevsky - Part 4 - Chapter 2

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Crime and Punishment Audiobook, by Dostoevsky - Part 4 - Chapter 2
Pyotr Petrovitch (Dounia's fiancé) visits Raskolnikov, Razimihin, Pulcheria and Dounia.
Raskolnikov (Referred to as Rodya by his mother)
Razumihin - A friend of Raskolnikov from his university days (Referred to as Dmitri Prokofitch by Pulcheria)
Pulcheria Alexandrovna - Raskolnikov's mother
Avdotya Romanovna - Raskolnikov's sister, sometimes referred to as Dounia
Pyotr Petrovitch (Luzhin) - The man Dounia is betrothed to
Pyotr Petrovitch (Dounia's fiancé) visits Raskolnikov, Razimihin, Pulcheria and Dounia.
Raskolnikov (Referred to as Rodya by his mother)
Razumihin - A friend of Raskolnikov from his university days (Referred to as Dmitri Prokofitch by Pulcheria)
Pulcheria Alexandrovna - Raskolnikov's mother
Avdotya Romanovna - Raskolnikov's sister, sometimes referred to as Dounia
Pyotr Petrovitch (Luzhin) - The man Dounia is betrothed to