Should a Protestant Marry a Catholic?

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{Should a Protestant Marry a Catholic?} What do I do if I'm thinking about marrying a Catholic girl, myself being Protestant? She has no problems with my faith but wants our sons baptized, since she and her whole family is Catholic.
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I’m Catholic married to Protestant. It hasn’t been easy in some areas. We go to an Assembly of God Church (Pentecostal Church). This is what my wife wanted. I love the Church and our Pastor. We are worshiping the same God. I do not agree with all the doctrines taught in the Pentecostal Church, mainly that the Bible is the sole authority. The services can be very loud and the falling in the spirit and speaking in tongues (in my opinion) can be a little over the top. Getting saved is too easy ( in my opinion) for some people because they fall away easy. In and out of church and turn over is very high. It can be very emotional and people get carried away with it. I consider myself Catholic and wife is fine with me going to Mass when I want too. My preference is my Catholic Faith 100% but by going to the same church it seems to work. We avoid the differences but it does take work. My current Protestant Pastor is aware of where I stand. The main message is the same in my opinion. Believing in Jesus, Repentance, Reconciliation, it’s exactly the same. One thing I have found with Protestants, they do not understand Catholicism. For example, they say Purgatory is not in the Bible. However, what they fail to tell you, it’s in the Catholic Bible but not in a Protestant Bible. Many Protestants don’tknow that a Catholic Bible has additional books. Also, they don’t believe that Mary remained a virgin and that James was Jesus’s blood brother. Catholics believe that James was a just a Christian Brother ( not a blood relative ). One thing I know, most couples have differences and no one should control the relationship. It should be give and take. To me, that is reality. Does this kind of marriage work for everyone, absolutely not. There are hundreds of mixed marriages and with love and respect, it can work out. Bottom Line : couples can have mutual respect with differences but it will take some work. When kids are involved, it can be contentious. We raised our son to be Pentecostal but when he turned 18, he decided the Assemblies of God was not for him. He still believes there is one God but not solely convinced it’s Jesus. He feels judged by the Assembly of God Church and feels very uncomfortable with them. Mistakes can be made by the Church, it doesn’t matter which denomination. Welcome to the real world. If you can’t learn to compromise, don’t get married. Better off to stay single. A good marriage will take work. Love one another - bottom line.


I'm a reformation man myself, and I was dating a Catholic girl for a while. We chose to go separate ways because we understood the reality of potential future scenarios. I trust this was for the best but I do miss her


You needs to agree on ONE gospel so you can be ONE with God and ONE in the flesh precisely the ONE way God instructs us.


Before the end of your life, Mike, you WILL be Catholic and you WILL be encouraging others to become Catholic. The Holy Spirit calls all to join true Christianity, and deep down you realize that. You heard it here first.


My mom was Protestant and my biological father was Catholic. My brother and I stayed Protestant with our mom.

Honestly, I don't think that its a good idea for a Protestant to marry a Catholic-especially if they are going to have kids. If the couple is beyond childbearing years it may not be as big a deal.


Well, as a Methodist I'm going to say inter-faith marriages can work.My dad was Methodist and my mum was Catholic.My sister was Church of England (Protestant) but converted to Catholicism, later on in life.Love and respect for each other and each other's faith conquer all.Stay away from toxic forces of extremism and thise with a superior complex.


Im.married to a catholic guy..I've always thought we had the same belief..until I got in....I feel disconnected from God..he wants me to go to the catholic church but I feel disturbed every time..He doesn't want me to pray in tongues or have anything to do with my pentecostal's hard for me as I feel I may not fulfill purpose if I yield to him..I need help..I'm not happy anymore


I was raised Pentecostal until age 8-9 then my mom and 2 uncles became SDA. Now that was a very different church experience. Very loud and vigorous services on Sunday to quiet orderly services on Saturday. The Bible actually says the 7th Day is the Sabbath and the Catholic Church confirms that the Catholic Church and the Pope changed the sacred emphasis from the 7th Day to the 1st Day (Sunday) in the year 336 AD. So go to church whatever day you want but the SDA are completely correct on the TRUE SABBATH. History doesn’t lie, but the Catholic Church created a false “Sunday Sabbath” so a lie by “action and deed”!


He's right. If you both are convicted in your faith it will drive a wedge between you and make you completely miserable. Been there and done that. Never again. Hard lesson to learn.
