Coroner Reveals Details of Idaho College Student Murders

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New details over the mysterious murder of four University of Idaho students are emerging. County coroner Cathy Mabbutt is describing the murders as "personal." The autopsy revealed each of the four students had multiple stab wounds. The report also found some of the students had defensive wounds, showing they fought with the attacker. Madison Mogen's aunt says the lack of information and outreach to the public to gain information has made the murder "even more painful."

The fact that you can just sneak into a room, kill four people, and then just bolt without being caught is honestly crazy


The fact that two of the roommates were not killed and bypassed shows me it wasn’t a serial killer it was definitely personal. The person also knew which bedrooms to enter and which ones not to. I also find it very out the other roommates though nothing of screaming… I’m pretty sure you can tell a life and death scream from a party scream and yelling.


The 2 roommates having their doors locked is probably what saved their lives. I thought one of the girl's sisters said they took an Uber home. The driver should be able to have some info that might help. Glad Mark Fuhrman is helping. He did wonders on the Martha Moxley case. Those poor kids seemed so amazing so sorry this happened to them.


I found out about this two days ago, and have been truly disheartened and dumbfounded at how strange this whole situation has "unfolded". The oddity in every part of it is mind boggling.
It hurts me seeing those poor kids dying in such a horrific manner.
I'm only 21 myself, so it's a little scary, too, seeing how fast their lives ended (especially in such a gruesome way.)
I don't even know what I would feel like if I personally experienced the shock and revelation that someone you loved, cared, and prayed for, just dies at the hands of evil doers.

Justice will come one day, no matter how long that takes to happen.


As someone who used to live at one of the big party houses near campus it’s honestly weirder for the house to [be empty than to have strangers hanging around at odd hours]. So many people knew the code to the lock & if you live there you learn very early on to never leave your personal belongings in the common areas or leave your door unlocked. It was also almost always loud. Whether it’s music or just people acting like animals. So, it’s really not that unlikely that the roommates didn’t hear anything or if they did hear screaming they could’ve just thought it was a bunch of drunk people messing around.

Edit: There, I fixed the typo on the first sentence 😂 I’m sure y’all knew exactly I meant but the grammar police on here seems to be having more luck solving grammar crimes than the LEOs working this case.


As someone who lived close and lively in Moscow with my husband knowing those streets not only Moscow and Pullman, it is gut wrenching to see not only close friends and family go through this but everyone around. RIP, I hope you all get justice


My condolences and deepest prayers to the families.


I know the pain of losing a child violently. I am so sorry to the families.
I hope you have answers soon, and someone answers for this.


The fact that you can just sleep threw people probably screaming for there lives is beyond me


This is straight out of a movie thats happening in real life. So scary, stay safe.


The killer is someone they knew and they didn't suspect.


These girls definitely know more than they're saying


Such a tragedy, I pray whoever did this horrible crime would be found soon and justice be served!!! Prayers for the families of the victims.


How did the killer know exactly which bedroom to go to in a large house and bypass the other rooms? Had to be someone that knew them and been at the house to know each of the victim's room.


I can't fathom losing a loved one to a brutal crime like this..


So many families torn to shreds this holiday season. I sincerely hope for some peace & comfort for these families. There is something extra heartbreaking about murder. When people die from medical issues there is undeniably pain & suffering with the loved ones but when it’s at the hands of a person who sought out to harm them, that is earth shattering. I don’t know how people can push onward thru certain events. They need to be surrounded with love and support.


I’m surprised they didn’t know who placed the call, I’ve had to call 911 a few times before and they’ve always gotten my location and phone number without me knowing or disclosing said information


In southern idaho here, and my heart is broken for these young adults and their families. This is a horrible nightmare and whoever did this needs held accountable 😢 I understand it’s hard to solve but I feel like the police could be trying harder.


There is nothing worse in my opinion than unexplained answers… the dog, the roommates not hearing. Etc. Rip to the victims and peace for the family ❤


Do the families really expect the investigators to tell the public (the killer) what they know. Investigations don't work that way. IF they thought the public was in danger, they would say as much. They know something, but they have to dot their Is and cross the Ts. They'll solve this case.
