How To Give Yourself Permission To Succeed
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How To Give Yourself Permission To Succeed
One of the most challenging things humans have is to give themselves permission to be actually awesome or to do or live their dreams, or to live their passion, or to be authentically raw. What I call raw is living raw, responsibly aware and whole.
And people tend to need someone else’s validation on yes, you can do it, yes, you can go and live that dream because of the way we were raised. Because of schools, religious indoctrinations, and what our parents or our ancestors believed that we require to have permission.
And a lot of people don’t know, for example, very talented people, I have had the privilege to work with very talented people that have very powerful missions and they won’t do it because they don’t have permission from their parents. No matter if they are 50, 60, 40 years old. And they also won’t give themselves permission if their father, for example, was not successful.
If the father makes certain amount of money, say he made one million dollars, they will never cross that boundary, because they will always stay lower than that. They will always stay lower than mom because they need their permission to be better than. Mom, can I go to that party? Is translated in the later years as, mom, can I be successful? And if your values as an individual, which are going to be different. We are not like our parents. You are not like your children. We are all individuated source consciousness.
So when we come and say, dad, what do you think of this, my dream of becoming a--of traveling the world through a motorcycle and recording my life and making a book of it. I think it’s a waste of time. Because your dad may have had another experience or make another wish, so in that moment your inner child says, I don’t have permission from my dad. So what you do is remember each time you have a big dream, a big desire to do something. Go within and say to your inner child. I’m here right now. I am the adult, and I am now in charge of my life. Not dad, not mom.
A lot of people right now are still living with their parents. There is 30 years old, 40 years old living with your parents. The best tip I can give you is get out of there. It’s actually get out of there. And some people tell me, but you know Ivonne, how I cannot leave them alone. You are going to give them a gift. You give the gift of freedom to yourself and to them because for them, their mission is to allow you to be who you are as parents, and give you permission to be free and become fully who you came here to be.
Not what they want you to become. And all parents, we have projections about our children, but give yourself permission to be you.
One, tell your inner child, I am here. I’m the adult. I’m in charge. Two, get out of the house of your parents if you are still there, and another thing of that, is if you are already out of your house of your parents, but you are still asking for permissions, ask yourself why? Why is your need to—what are you looking for your parents to tell you? Are you hiding behind just like a wall because you really don’t have the stamina and the guts to go out there and live your passion and mission that you came here to live?
And three, actually, re-parent yourself. You are the parent you wish you have had. I am going to repeat this. You are the parent you wish you have had. We have the best parents in the world. No matter how good or bad our parents were, we got the best parents, why? Because those were the ones that we got. So, we got to be grateful for that, but if you didn’t like something they teach you, they indoctrinate you with, the religion they taught you, re-parent yourself. That’s what it’s called being a human being, that’s what it’s called autonomy, that’s what it’s called consciousness.
And to give yourself full permission to succeed, you got to be congruent, you’ve got to be in integrity and you got to be bring that inner child to meet that adult, holistic adult that you came here to be. So just do that. Give yourself permission to succeed. Namaste.