Simple Keto Crackers | 1 Ingredient Flax Seed Crackers | Easy Keto Recipes

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Simple Keto Crackers | 1 Ingredient Flax Seed Crackers | Easy Keto Recipes

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We've got some super simple keto crackers today. All that's needed is 1 ingredient, flax seeds! These are becoming a staple in our house lately. Give these keto crackers a try! Mix in whatever seasonings you like.

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I make at least a batch a week. My wife loves them! A few modifications; I add a few teaspoons of raw organic chia seeds, and some turmeric powder, and I've been setting it at 277F and am up to 90 minutes (always crispy!). I also fold and store the parchment paper for reuse.


we have been making these for a while now and we have found that if you mix in a couple tblsp of melted butter, garlic powder, pinch of Himalayan salt and a dash of Italian seasoning along with the one part water it makes for a great crispy italian style snack and is great as a salad crouton substitute.


In the oven `For an hour at two seventy five`.... So you said and so I did and the whole thing was turned into charcoal!
Being a Dutchman (Europe) and a novice in baking I presumed it to be 275 Celcius Hah ha ! (which made 527 Fahrenheit)
Later didi it the right way (135 C) and it is an amazing simple and a satisfying snack to deviate from temptations to carbs.
Thanks for the video :)


2 quick tips:

(1) Add your seasonings FIRST, and mix them dry for more even distribution.

(2) before baking, run a spatula or butter knife along the mixture in a grid pattern to create "score" marks for even breaking


I just made "Oatmeal" Cookies with this: 1/2 c. flaxseed meal, 1/4 ground walnuts, 2 tsp Monk Fruit sweetener, 1/4 tsp cinnamon, 1/4 tsp salt, 2 T. butter, 1 egg yolk, 2 egg whits, beaten stiff. Mix together dry ingredients in bowl. Crumble in yolk and butter with fingers. Beat in beaten egg whites til combined. Cook on parchment lined cookie sheet in preheated 350 oven for 20 minutes. Press tops in Monk Fruit. Makes 8 cookies.


Dude I’m making these with taco seasoning and using them for Keto nachos !!!


Be careful with these flax seed crackers. Don't eat too many of them. They are a powerful laxative!


I used flaxseed meal and added 1 tsp garlic salt and 1/2 tsp garlic powder and added a little butter. Works best rolled paper thin. Has a Nori taste but tastes GREAT with avocado on top!


wonderful! thank you! also soaking them overnight releases all the vitamins that would not otherwise be released without grinding :)


I will try these! I have been just toasting them in an iron pan and adding a bit of Himalayan sea salt. love the nuttiness. I add them to everything! eggs... kale shakes..yum!


love all your videos! Im definitely going to make these flackers because I always see them at the store but never buy them because of the price! but thanks to yall i can finally get my flackers 👏👏👏


Yoooo thanks for this video! Literally bought a bag of flackers yesterday and loved em, and this video is gonna help my budget and my tummy!


You're a freaking genius with that rolling it out with the parchment paper! This is continuously my struggle with flax seed mix lol


It’s midnight but this recipe was so easy I had to just make it and toss it in the fridge overnight. I’ve been wondering what to do with those flaxseeds because alone they have this oily odor/taste that I can’t vibe. Stay tuned for tomorrow’s outcome...


Thanks for this video! I stopped buying flackers because of how expensive they are. I was also fortunate enough to score a bunch of flax seed from the Dollar Tree, so your recipe will work great for both me and my husband.


2 years late, but I'm going to try these tonight, will let you know how they turned out :)


Put all the seasoning in the water..itl blend well. Good video


Love the hat! Brownie points from your Canadian viewers :) and do you have to use whole flaxseeds? Or will the ground ones work? Thanks!!


Thanks! you two continue to save the day!


Have yet to make these, but it's coming this weekend!
