Palestine and the Arab World: A relationship in crisis?

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The Brookings Doha Center held a webinar on Palestine and the Arab world, that considered the current state of relations and what it means for the Palestinian liberation movement today and in the future.

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Listening to this group dialogue I’m hearing a highly intelligent conversation with perfect English spoken and sounding very Western. I’m also hearing Trump policies mentioned and pinning the blame on a 4 year administration in The USA, while the Arab/Palestinian/Israeli conflict has been going on for decades.
There’s so many things I could say about this historical conflict as an American who has lived in Morocco with my Berber Moroccan husband and who has spent a great deal of time in Israel. I’m not Jewish, not Christian and not Muslim so my slant towards supporting Israel’s right to live securely in their ONLY HOMELAND which dates back to ancient times and is of course based upon the Bible and The Jewish Temple on Mt. Moriah in Jerusalem, ironically where the Islamic Al-Aksa and The Dome of The Rock were built hundreds of years later. The name “Palestine” is Roman and the Arabs coined this name “Palestinian” in 1969 by Yassir Arafat and The PLO, making the Arabs a distinct Arab people when in fact they are not. These are Arabs who came to Israel during the early days of Zionism as it was Zionism that created opportunities of jobs, health care, education and a better life than the Arabs had in Syria, Egypt, Jordan and so on. I won’t go back to The Ottoman Empire history.

The world does not revolve around “The Palestinians.” The Arab world is in a terrible state of affairs due to their own leadership and the religion of Islam. Sorry to say this but this is what I have observed. The poverty in most Arab Muslim countries is overwhelming. Is Israel to blame for the 20+ Arab countries socioeconomic problems and human rights abuses? I think not!

The problem with “Palestine” lies with the many terrorist organizations. The Palestinians elected Hamas as their leadership, The PA has no control over anything, and there are many splinter groups Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah in the north…endless terrorist groups that have no regard for their people, their children, their own livelihoods and in fact prefer martyrdom to peace and prosperity in cooperation with Israel.

The survivors of Post Holocaust Jews did not come back to Israel to fight or expel Arabs. There has always been a Jewish presence in Israel despite the many periods of exile from The Babylonian Occupation which resulted in the destruction of the first Jewish Temple to The Roman Occupation and the subsequent wars of Jewish Resistance to Roman Occupation in which The Jewish Temple was destroyed and Jerusalem was sacked and the Jews massacred.
Israelis have done everything possible to make peace with the Palestinians.
Meanwhile the Arabs have done everything possible to make sure that there is no peace. Clearly there are Arab forces who want this bloody conflict to continue.

Jordan kicked The PLO and the Palestinians out. Egypt’s Gaza border is closed to the Palestinians…Syria is a disaster, Lebanon was vanquished by The PLO wiping out the Christians, many of who ended up in my hometown in Pennsylvania, and then Iran’s proxy Hezbollah finished the destruction of Lebanon.

Clearly the fault lies with Arab Islamic countries.


As somebody with a mixed German background, I'm kind of disgusted by all this. Just leave the Jews alone Grandparents Parents came to this country to avoid getting killed in that war .... They gave up the culture of their language and basically their identity now. I live in a country where I don't have the right to speak up. Without being looked down on for it. .. and I feel like I'm being dragged into a war that's way too similar to the 2ed world war ....


old and poor responsiv leadership of the palesinians play a big part in the decline of both status and effectivness of their narretiv.
it there a way of repair ? probelly not, but if dahlan takes over things can change.
