How To Make $500 in 30 Minutes

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Scrapping, cleaning, time-lapsing, welding, and getting stuck. My 1917 junkyard farmstead is making progress! Welcome to Cornstar Farms.

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Cole The Cornstar, aka Cole, is a 4th generation family farmer from Central Iowa who is the life force behind his family’s 1,700 acre farm. Cole promotes agriculture by filming his day-to-day adventures with his Dad (Daddy Cornstar) and brother (Cooper) on the farm. With a lot of help from Daddy Cornstar, Cole instills humor and education into his videos fit for both young adults and adults. Despite being 22-years old, Cole has an old-fashion work ethic with an innovative approach toward agricultural technology and practices. Cole's mission is to prove the American Dream is not dead and be a megaphone for agricultural education and innovation, from technological advances in farming equipment to conservation practices.

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Cole The Cornstar
PO Box 1432
Marshalltown, Iowa 50158

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Watch more Videos like this:
►WATCH NOW: SNOW-BLOWING CORN?? | World's Worst Farmer
►WATCH NOW: Cole, The GRAVE DIGGER?? | My Job Is Dead Sometimes
►WATCH NOW: Convincing The Bank To Lend Me $1,000,000 | Selling More Corn

► Edited By Cole The Cornstar
Рекомендации по теме

Loved Daddy Cornstar's little speach about family farming. Amazing attitude.


Daddy Cornstar is just a real good, decent, fair minded man. It’s no surprise that Cole and Cooper are such hardworking pleasant young men.


I just want to give Daddy Corn Star his own Thumbs Up! For being a great Dad.


Love Daddy Cornstar's occasional life-lessons. "Let's keep an open mind" and listen to the people around us, especially our family. Amen, brother!


Love that this family makes decisions together. So true that “life is too short”. It’s so evident that you all appreciate and treasure every day.


Use a mesh bag to hunt mushrooms, and before you leave shake it near a stump to leave the spores. This might promote growth for next season.


When foraging mushrooms, use a cloth bag (a pillowcase works) so the mushroom spores can distribute through the woods as you walk home. It helps the population for next year. Also, using a plastic bag can make your mushrooms a little more slimy when you get home.


You know, DC (Daddy Cornstar...😁), I absolutely LOVE to hear you talk about how the farm’s a family operation, with equal say for all. This farm and everyone on it is such a great legacy for your dad and grandad to have left. I’m sure he’s looking down on you all every single day, smiling at how well his legacy lives on. Kudos to you all ❤️


Hi Cole, I like your Dad's philosophy about joint decisions and listening to each person's ideas. You have a wise father in Daddy Cornstar. Great video sequence on the mushrooms -- another Iowa surprise. Thanks, Cole. - Dean from Minnesota


My family were Iowa Farmers (South of Ames). My great grandfather was a graduate of Iowa State in 1910. My grandfather was a pioneer in hybrid corn. I have the Bomb from that year and he graduated with the Maytag and Henry A Wallace (VP under FDR).


Daddy Cornstar is one mellow dude. Just rolls with everything.


Hiya Cornstars! I just wanted all of you to know that I look forward to your vlogs every day! You just make me smile when I see that you have uploaded...thank you for brightening my day!


Hey from Iowa Grammie

Daddy are truly an inspiration..a mentor of young people..and other dads..TU..All of Iowa and America is grateful


Daddy Cornstar dropping that essential human knowledge. Thanks for that, everyone needs to be reminded to show a bit more love and open mindedness


To all the parents out there, listen carefully to daddy cornstar, if youre working with your children together....


Your the best dad Daddy Cornstar you’ve raised great respectful kids that testimont to you’re way of life and inclusion your message is very helpful thank you


While no family is perfect, your family sure is full of love and hard work.
And that's a commodity that money can't buy.
So glad I found this channel. It's great to see it grow in numbers.
Thanks Cole for sharing your family and life with us. :)


I am the same way with my kids, daddy corn star. They grow to be amazing adults. I am very proud of my kids. All three grew up to be communicative and good people.


If great content, hard working, Christian minded is what you're looking for this is the channel. God bless you all. From Bakersfield California.


Hey Cornstar fam ! Watching you from Paris France, but I'm from the south of France, right by the Spanish border. We get morels too here, but they're pretty hard to find, and we keep the places where we find'em real secret ! Back when I was a child in the 80's we'd find pounds and pounds every year on my grandpa's farm.
I'm glad to see that despite the fact you farm in an industrial way using carcinogenic chemicals you still keep in touch with true mother nature... And I love your videos ! (Despite the industrial and chemical stuff) :D
