Why Can't I Manifest?? (This Is the Missing Piece...)

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If it's just not manifesting...do yourself a favor and check out today's video!

My name is Andrea Schulman and I am a LOA coach and educator from Raise Your Vibration Today. I work with people to help them use the Law of Attraction with success.

For more discussions on topics like "Why Can't I Manifest?? (This Is the Missing Piece!)" subscribe to my social media channels below!

XO, Andrea
Law of Attraction Education

why can't I manifest | manifesting isn't working | law of attraction doesn't work | the missing piece
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Gratitude is so under rated. We should Saying thank you millions of times each day for each breath and each step. Thanks for the reminder


Shoot! I was watching your vid and the angel numbers 2332 just showed up. I kept saying "Thank you" for all I'm truly grateful for.
Love what you do.


What are your thoughts about giving constructive criticism in general, like for restaurants, hotels, or any service providers? I try to pay close attention to the energy from which the feedback is given. Sometimes it feels positive and aligned when it's offered, and other times I sense negativity and complaining behind the "helpful" comment. Anymore I try to just let it go rather than promote more negative energy. Besides it feels like what comes is just my own subjective experience based on what I attracted in the moment so often I just use the experience as a pointer for myself and keep quiet.


Yes love the setup, also the couple you did at your pool 🌴🌞


Thank you for the video! However, In your video when you encourage giving thanks you repeatedly look upwards as if God is only outside of us. Could we not thank God by focusing on the inside as He is everywhere?


Give it 3 or 4 days and then you can be grateful for the pound or 2 you will have by then. Unless you gorged on liquid it wont show the next day. Duh


Omg it's true. I got a call to finally view an apartment. I was sooo thankful I could cry. And later I got another call to view 2 other apartments. So in total 3. I'm beyond thankful. Thank you universe 😍😍


I was having some challenges in my relationship recently and decided to write down the good things that were happening even if they were little (ex: he took out the garbage, put on a show I liked, etc.) and I noticed a shift. Going to keep working on it.


I am grateful. I am thankful. Andrea, you are attractive! 😍😘😎


I thank the Universe for you, Andrea! Thank you for sharing your knowledge and wisdom!


Videos like this one used to make me roll my eyes because I wasn't seeing how a positive, upbeat person like myself is not manifesting what I want the most. Could you possibly make a video on how Narcissistic Abuse temporarily subconsciously programs us to believe that it's not safe to feel good, see the positive, or say Thank You? Some of us have been brought up in a Narcissistic Family and then went on to choose a Narcissistic partner, and have a lifetime of being shot down, either internally or externally, every time we try to Feel Good, see the positive, or say Thank You. Narcissists are threatened by and simply do not want people to Feel Good, and it's damn hard to unlearn that and feel safe again. I believe that saying Thank You IS the key because it keeps you in a Positive, Present Moment, and I'm working on doing it more often. Thank You :)


I watched this video last month because, I have the same question. So, halfway on your video, I stopped and told myself I'd be doing my best to always be truly and deeply grateful. So I started writing things that I'm truly grateful for, and included those things that I wanted to have, and wrote them in a grateful, past-tensed form and even changed the date, to make it seem that I'm writing from the future that it already happened.

What's interesting is that, one of them has manifested, without me, initiating to make it happen. Of course, when the opportunity presented itself, I grabbed it and worked through it but it's truly amazing how it came to be.

So, I came back to say thank you and that I'm truly grateful for this video and for the things you shared. Thank you Andrea!

I shared this video to my sister and we'll see how it goes :)

Since, I've just finished watching it today, I would say the sound is clear as well as the video. Some experts might suggest a few things but for me, it's the content and the vibration that you send matters, and it's clear :)


I journal everyday 10 things I'm grateful for. Good video Andrea I like that you have changed the introduction to your videos always evolving :-)


Gratitude ❤ showing appreciation for all that we have and for what's coming, we are always receiving so much!
I love the quality and editing of your new videos ! 🥰


Thank you universe for putting Andrea in my life.❤👍👏❤❤❤


Had a rough day at work yesterday and was still feeling sour about it today but after watching this video I’m going to change my way of thinking. Thank you for creating positive content that inspires but also checks us and reminds us to be thankful for life!


When you look up, who are you thanking?


Omg! That is so good!!! Thank you!! Whooohoooo! I'm so excited 😁


that's all it takes Gratitude' a great video i must say


thx u for this video ur on target for sure i am greatful for all the things i have thx u, thx u thx u and love be with you and all life
